albertobsd / keyhunt

privkey hunt for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
MIT License
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One or many points in mode BSGS #230

Closed Doktor1024 closed 1 year ago

Doktor1024 commented 1 year ago

Good afternoon! Please tell me so that I understand! What does the program do with the cars that I have in the list in bags mode ? What is the difference if there is 1 public key or 50 keys in the list? Does the program use all the keys to build a bloom? or does the program use keys only for comparison?

albertobsd commented 1 year ago

The bloom is generated independently of the keys values, number or range.

The keys are only used to make the calculations and Comparations corresponding to the BSGS algorithm.

The speed of the whole process is divided between the number of keys on your file, one key give you the max speed for your hardware.


Doktor1024 commented 1 year ago

So bloom is always the same, we don't influence him in any way? It can't always be the same - then we wouldn't create it different every time - it would be constant for all occasions) Excuse me

Doktor1024 commented 1 year ago

Цветение генерируется независимо от значений ключей, их количества или диапазона.

Ключи используются только для выполнения вычислений и сравнений, соответствующих алгоритму BSGS.

Скорость всего процесса делится между количеством клавиш в вашем файле, одна клавиша дает вам максимальную скорость для вашего оборудования.


Bloom - has some point from which he starts? he can't start from nothing, can he? If the range and the starting point from which bloom starts are not important for bloom, it turns out that we use the same bloom on any range - with the same chances?

albertobsd commented 1 year ago

The bloom file it always start from publickey 1 to X where X is a value calculated from the current values of N and K, -n and -k respectively. If you don't want to lose time in the Blooms and table calculation you need to found a N and K value that fit you RAM and load run the program with the params -S and -6 to SAVE/LOAD blooms from file and skip checksum