albertogeniola / meross-homeassistant

Custom component that leverages the Meross IoT library to integrate with Homeassistant
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Sensor logger verbosity #481

Closed thkrmr closed 2 months ago

thkrmr commented 5 months ago


My HA logs are full of entires like:

2024-01-05 16:18:06.668 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.meross_cloud.sensor] Refreshing instant metrics for device TV (mss310) power W - Main channel 2024-01-05 16:18:06.671 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.meross_cloud.sensor] Refreshing instant metrics for device TV (mss310) voltage V - Main channel 2024-01-05 16:18:07.765 INFO (MainThread) [custom_components.meross_cloud.sensor] Refreshing instant metrics for device TV (mss310) energy kWh - Main channel

I see in One instance it's a debug log _LOGGER.debug(f"Refreshing instant metrics for device {}"), but int 3 other places it's"Refreshing instant metrics for device {}") at info level logger.

Is the level of verbosity at INFO necessary for the refreshing? Should it be debug instead?

albertogeniola commented 4 months ago

Hi @thkrmr ,

that seems reasonable to me. I'll see if I can change this behaviour in the next releases.


albertogeniola commented 2 months ago

Hi @thkrmr ,

this has been just implemented in v1.3.1.

Thanks a lot for the heads-up!