albertosuarez8 / Brewery-Reviews

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20 css styling #52

Closed laps22 closed 1 year ago

laps22 commented 1 year ago

So here are my notes: where does the SEARCH button take them? The dashboard view i'm struggling with the placement of the "New Post Button." the create post view I have a prelim layout but i'm not satisfied with the overall look. I'm struggling with the rating slider, so that will be my project once I'm home. I have placeholders for the drop-downs so @kennedyisn remember to git pull once my Pull Request is approved so that you have the most recent code for the drop downs.

I'm very clean and basic in the CSS so if you have preferences in how things look please comment a suggestion and I'll collaborate with you to update. @albertosuarez8 @jujubea22 @kennedyisn