albertoventurini / graphdb-intellij-plugin

Graph database plugin for the IntelliJ Platform
Apache License 2.0
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CREATE CONSTRAINT is not supported #73

Open artemgur opened 1 year ago

artemgur commented 1 year ago

1. CREATE CONSTRAINT queries are highlighted as errors.

Example of query: CREATE CONSTRAINT FOR (user:User) REQUIRE IS UNIQUE; Error message: <any cypher option>, <create index>, <delete>, <reading clause>, BEGIN, CALL, COMMIT, CREATE, DROP, FOREACH, MERGE, REMOVE, RETURN, SET or WITH expected, got 'CREATE' Screenshot: image

2. When I try to execute CREATE CONSTRAINT queries, an error is shown

Query is the same as before. Error text: Error occurred: Cypher query text should not be an empty string Screenshot: image Error details (unfortunately only as screenshot, because the text in "Error details" window can't be copied): image

HazWellCeros commented 4 months ago

Completely agrees. I often use constraint to build my schemas. I'll try to fix it. What you think @albertoventurini ?