albertqjiang / draft_sketch_prove

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How to change the timeout for sledgehammer? #3

Closed haoxiongliu closed 7 months ago

haoxiongliu commented 7 months ago


Thanks for sharing the code!

I find that the default timeout of sledgehammer seems to be around 30~35s rather than the 120s reported in the paper, since I get exceptions like

Exception while trying to run sledgehammer: Timeout after 35.848s
Action: normalhammer
IsabelleException: Outer syntax error (line 1): command expected,
but identifier Timeout (line 1) was found
At command "<malformed>" (line 1)

When looking into the PISA source code, I find the following code snippet in src/main/scala/pisa/agent/RepHammer.scala

val normal_with_Sledgehammer: MLFunction4[ToplevelState, Theory, List[String], List[String], (Boolean, (String, List[String]))] =
  compileFunction[ToplevelState, Theory, List[String], List[String], (Boolean, (String, List[String]))](
    s""" fn (state, thy, adds, dels) =>
       |    let
       |       val override = {add=[],del=[],only=false};
       |       fun go_run (state, thy) =
       |          let
       |             val p_state = Toplevel.proof_of state;
       |             val ctxt = Proof.context_of p_state;
       |             val params = ${Sledgehammer_Commands}.default_params thy
       |                [("provers", "e"),("timeout","30"),("verbose","true")];
       |             val results = ${Sledgehammer}.run_sledgehammer params ${Sledgehammer_Prover}.Normal NONE 1 override p_state;
       |             val (result, (outcome, step)) = results;
       |           in
       |             (result, (${Sledgehammer}.short_string_of_sledgehammer_outcome outcome, [YXML.content_of step]))
       |           end;
       |    in
       |      Timeout.apply (Time.fromSeconds 35) go_run (state, thy) end

Does changing the "Time.fromSeconds 35" to "Time.fromSeconds 120" the right way to do it? I'm not familiar with Scala.

Thanks for your attention. Looking forward to your reply!

albertqjiang commented 7 months ago

That's indeed the right way. You need to rebuild the PISA library after the change though, for the changes to be reflected.

haoxiongliu commented 7 months ago

Thank you for the quick reply!