albertsmith7175 / gitub-with-website

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Addressing Slow Website Speed #10

Open albertsmith7175 opened 3 months ago

albertsmith7175 commented 3 months ago

As I navigate through my car signage removal sydney website, I find myself frustrated by the sluggish loading times, hindering user experience and potentially driving visitors away. To tackle this issue, I first analyze the root causes, examining factors such as large image files, excessive HTTP requests, and bulky code. Implementing compression techniques for images and scripts, along with minimizing CSS and JavaScript files, emerges as an initial step to streamline the website's performance. Additionally, leveraging browser caching and content delivery networks (CDNs) can significantly reduce server load and enhance page loading speed for users across various geographical locations. Continual monitoring and optimization through tools like Google PageSpeed Insights aid in maintaining optimal website speed, ensuring seamless navigation and satisfaction for all visitors.