albertz / openlierox

OpenLieroX - Liero clone / Worms realtime / 2D shooter
262 stars 59 forks source link

key delay #577

Open albertz opened 13 years ago

albertz commented 13 years ago

Converted from SourceForge issue 2995745, submitted by nobody

when chaning playing buttons ingame (esc-->game options)

everything works fine in local..

heres the log of net play, i changed "up" key from e->up arrow, and then back also, my rope was delayed..

[code]n: GameLoopEnd: GotoLocalMenu H: JoinServer ([ Rifles ]) with player '-=HP=- BakTer' n: Client connect to n: sending challenge request to n: Server is using OpenLieroX/0.59_beta9 n: CClient: got challenge response from OpenLieroX/0.59_beta9 server n: Node 1 registers with role 3 and class gusGame n: Client: Got ParsePrepareGame n: modLog: Loading game mod file Classic/script.lgs n: CMap::Load: level levels/CK1 level3.lxl is in image format n: LoadTheme: Theme dirt already loaded n: GusGame::loadModWithoutMap: Gusanos n: Game::reset n: Lua: Registering as non-AUTH n: Client: preparing worm 3: for battle W: CWorm::initWeaponSelection: input handler not set for worm , cannot init weapon selection n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 0: n: Client: readPacketState called on unused worm 1: n: using max upload rate 85.0391 kb/sec n: PhysicsEngine LX56 physics loaded n: MaxFPS is 200 n: GameLoopStart Gus con: * CONNECTION ACCEPTED n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic for worm 0, nodeid 2 n: Node 2 registers with role 3 and class worm n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic: new player (node 3) for worm 0, set to proxy n: Node 3 registers with role 3 and class player n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic for worm 1, nodeid 4 n: Node 4 registers with role 3 and class worm n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic: new player (node 5) for worm 1, set to proxy n: Node 5 registers with role 3 and class player n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic for worm 2, nodeid 6 n: Node 6 registers with role 3 and class worm n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic: new player (node 7) for worm 2, set to proxy n: Node 7 registers with role 3 and class player n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic for worm 3, nodeid 8 n: Node 8 registers with role 3 and class worm n: Net_cbNodeRequest_Dynamic: new player (node 9) for worm 3, set to owner n: Node 9 registers with role 3 and class player H: Client: we are ready, waiting now for start game signal n: Client: get BeginMatch signal W: IRC server error: Closing Link: z-HP--_BakTer by (USER: Bad username) n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Closing Link: z-HP--_BakTer by (USER: Bad username) n: IRC: disconnected n: Initing joysticks temporary... n: Amout of available joysticks: 0 W: deltatime 1.1 is too high W: IRC server error: Closing Link: z-HP--_BakTer by (USER: Bad username) n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected n: Initing joysticks temporary... n: Amout of available joysticks: 0 W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected n: GotoNetMenu n: Node 1 with class gusGame unregisters n: Game::reset n: Node 3 with class player unregisters n: CWormInputHandler:gusShutdown: NOWORM n: Node 5 with class player unregisters n: CWormInputHandler:gusShutdown: NOWORM n: Node 7 with class player unregisters n: CWormInputHandler:gusShutdown: NOWORM n: Node 9 with class player unregisters n: CWormInputHandler:gusShutdown: NOWORM n: CWorm:deleteThis: [Sn] NapKin" n: Node 2 with class worm unregisters n: CWorm:deleteThis: Willy n: Node 4 with class worm unregisters n: CWorm:deleteThis: [CPU] K1ll0r n: Node 6 with class worm unregisters n: CWorm:deleteThis: -=HP=- BakTer n: Node 8 with class worm unregisters n: unloading PhysicsEngine LX56 physics .. n: GameLoopEnd: GotoNetMenu W: IRC server error: Your host is trying to (re)connect too fast -- throttled n: IRC: disconnected n: Shutting me down... n: Game::reset n: Lua: Registering as non-AUTH n: Everything was shut down n: waiting for all left threads and tasks W: ThreadPool: waiting for 2 threads to finish: W: thread queued task handler is cleaning itself up right now W: thread Menu_Net_NETInitialize serverlist timeout timer is still working W: ThreadPool: waiting for 1 threads to finish: W: thread Menu_Net_NETInitialize serverlist timeout timer is still working W: ThreadPool: waiting for 1 threads to finish: W: thread Menu_Net_NETInitialize serverlist timeout timer is ready but was not cleaned up W: there are still 2 pending events in the event queue W: given thread Menu_Net_NETInitialize serverlist timeout timer is not working anymore n: Good Bye and enjoy your day... [/code]

cheers BakT

albertz commented 13 years ago

Submitted by albertzeyer

0.59b9, right?

This is reproducible?