albingroen /

Build your Prisma schema visually in this easy-to-use web based tool
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File live editing #38

Open luwol03 opened 2 years ago

luwol03 commented 2 years ago

It would be awesome if I could start the editor e.g. via npx prisma builder and then a browser opens with the current schema, so that I can make changes and if I'm done the changes will be persisted to the local disk so that there is no 3rd pary API server needed (no data will be send to stranger servers, all data is keep private on local computer). It would also be nice if that also re-syncs from disk, so that if I change the schema on disk it will be updated on the builder UI.


Fund with Polar

albingroen commented 2 years ago

This is a really cool idea!

albingroen commented 1 year ago

I will be exploring this for Prismabuilder++