albingroen /

Build your Prisma schema visually in this easy-to-use web based tool
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Implict many-to-many relationships #64

Open dmateiu opened 1 year ago

dmateiu commented 1 year ago

When adding a reference to another model, it would be nice if you could specify the cardinality of the relationship (one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many). It could add the necessary fields to the respective models in the schema.

I'd be happy to help and open PR for this.


Fund with Polar

susatpute commented 1 year ago

@albingroen This is most needed feature. Others features can be awaited. Also when I import from existing schema so that I can add new models, it does not import previously defined relationships. (cardinality and modality).

I am ready to sponsor depending on commitment date to deliver.