albingroen /

Build your Prisma schema visually in this easy-to-use web based tool
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Add prisma schema migration #82

Open abdifardin opened 8 months ago

abdifardin commented 8 months ago


Thank you for your amazing work on this project!

I have a suggestion for a new feature that I believe would significantly improve the user experience: visual schema migration.

Currently, migrating schemas can be a complex and error-prone process. A visual editor would allow users to easily define the target schema by dragging and dropping tables and columns. The editor could highlight potential conflicts and suggest corrective actions, making the process much more intuitive and streamlined.

To track previous schemas and guide users through individual migrations, user accounts could be integrated into the feature. This would allow users to store their preferred schemas and easily initiate and apply migrations with one click.

I think this feature would be incredibly valuable for the project and its users. I'd be happy to discuss this further and contribute in any way possible.