albumentations-team / albumentations

Fast and flexible image augmentation library. Paper about the library:
MIT License
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label w.r.t image augmentations #1496

Open xarryon opened 8 months ago

xarryon commented 8 months ago

First of all, thanks the authors' great contributations!

When I use this package, I wonder how to output a series of labels that process the image.

For example, in alb.Compose, I add { RGBShift(p = 0.2) , HueSaturationValue (p = 0.3) and RandomBrightnessContrast (p = 0.4) }. I use it to process an image. Finally, I also want to know which operation is used to process my image. For instance, RGBShift and HueSaturationValue is work but RandomBrightnessContrast not.

I wonder how to achieve this function?

Dipet commented 8 months ago

Look at ReplayCompose