Open lijiangsheng1 opened 4 years ago
我觉得站在共同体的角度来思考这个问题会比较好。最近在做 ASF记录片的翻译, 看到很多金句,分享给大家:
Apache is really good at bringing people together and letting them work together without companies getting in the way.
When working with people, there are so much better than yourself you learn a lot.
Don't be afraid to give, to share, you would get more out of it. I've got more out of Apache than I've ever given.
Building communities around people who are passionate about solving problems.
起源于最近的思考,随着对共同体的理解加深,以及“国产化”“战狼”甚嚣尘上,开始思考ALC Beijing的意义。