Just cleaning things up a bit. I finished work on the tin absorber run analysis a few weeks ago (see elog:258 of R2015a). The only major addition in this pull request is the start of a few scripts for proton band extraction, which will hopefully have everything (scaling MC/getting efficiencies and purities etc) as the one(!!) I used for my thesis .
At some point in the near future (after some more work on unfolding), I would like to go back and add the scintillator vetos to the Al50 analysis (I believe they were working by this dataset) to try and measure protons up to 15 MeV.
Hi Everyone
Just cleaning things up a bit. I finished work on the tin absorber run analysis a few weeks ago (see elog:258 of R2015a). The only major addition in this pull request is the start of a few scripts for proton band extraction, which will hopefully have everything (scaling MC/getting efficiencies and purities etc) as the one(!!) I used for my thesis .
At some point in the near future (after some more work on unfolding), I would like to go back and add the scintillator vetos to the Al50 analysis (I believe they were working by this dataset) to try and measure protons up to 15 MeV.
Cheers Andy