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Plan of action #2

Open jrquirk opened 10 years ago

jrquirk commented 10 years ago

Often in discussion we've talked about having a plan of action of some sort. This past holiday weekend I thought I'd try something called a mindmap out. I used a program called FreeMind to create the image at which is an incomplete list of tasks that Jim and I came up with on our flight back last Friday, and tasks that we have as a group discussed before.

This is something I'd like to try out, though I don't want to seem like I'm imposing this on others. We can see how it works. Given that the rest of our information is scattered (elog, github wiki, github issues, owncloud), a simple image on a page with links to all of the above seemed okay.

The file is in the repo under this account (and is an XML document so it works fine version controlled), it can be edited with FreeMind and then exported as a PNG to be updated.

benkrikler commented 10 years ago

This is great! It's a shame we didn't have something like this before the actual run, I'd have been a lot clearer on our final goals and the sorts of things we'd need to do the final full analysis (calibration, alignment measurements etc).

Where does the stopped muon normalisation effort fit in on this? I'm guessing it's actually split up between MC studies for acceptance and beam tuning and the germanium spectrum?