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How do we change the position of the target in the subgeo configure file? #24

Closed AndrewEdmonds11 closed 10 years ago

AndrewEdmonds11 commented 10 years ago

For the tolerances study, I need to change the position of the target. Looking at the subgeo file we have:

#       Target
DEFINE: XT              100 # x Dimension of Target
DEFINE: XTB             120 # x Dimension of Target Border
DEFINE: XTBS    122 # x Dimension of Target Border Shielding
DEFINE: thT     0.1 # Thickness of Target
DEFINE: thTB    5 # Thickness of Target Border
DEFINE: thTBS   7 # Thickness of Target Border Shielding
#Box info
#       Type x      y     z       Name        RepNo MotVolume   Material     SDName       posX  posY  posZ   Ephi Ethe Epsi
#            mm     mm    mm                                                              mm    mm    mm     deg  deg  deg
#                                                                                       P R     Phi   Z
#                                                                                       S R     Phi   Theta
        B    XTB    XTB   thTB    bTgtBdWh
        B    XT     XT    thTB+1  bTgtBdHl
        B    XTBS   XTBS  thTBS   bTgtBdShWh
        B    XT     XT    thTBS+1 bTgtBdShHl
        B    XTBS   XTBS  thTBS   TargetMount 1     ChamberIn   VacuumPSI     none        0     0     Z0     45   90   0
        B    XT     XT    thT     Target      1     TargetMount Aluminium     M/MonitorSD 0     0     0      0    0    0
#BooleanSolid info
#       Type type  vol1       vol2        Ephi Ethe Epsi PosX PosY PosZ   name                  RepNo MotVolume   Material SDName  posX posY posZ  Ephi Ethe Epsi
#                                         deg  deg  deg  mm   mm   mm                                                              mm   mm   mm    deg  deg  deg
                                                       P R    Phi  Z                                                             P R    Phi  Z
                                                       S R    Phi  Theta                                                         S R    Phi  Theta
        BL   minus bTgtBdWh   bTgtBdHl    0    0    0    0    0    0      TargetBorder          1     TargetMount PCB      none    0    0    0     0    0    0
        BL   minus bTgtBdShWh bTgtBdShHl  0    0    0    0    0    0      uTgtBd1
        BL   minus uTgtBd1    bTgtBdWh    0    0    0    0    0    0      TargetBorderShielding 1     TargetMount Lead     none    0    0    0     0    0    0

It seems that the target region consists of:

So I think, because the TargetMount is the mother volume for all these components, then I can just move the position of that one. I will check and write my progress here

AndrewEdmonds11 commented 10 years ago

Yes, only the TargetMount, needs moving.

For future reference, +y is to the right of the muon beam, -y is to the left, +x is closer to the muon beam and -x is further away.