After I played several hours I got a twist in my mind because of the crafting symbols in the puzzle mini game.
As an European I read from left to right, but the mod shows the crafting tasks from right to left.
Every time I use the anvil, I realise it and get thrown out of the game immersion.
Change the behaviour to "left to right"
Optional: Give a config option for cultures there are using "right to left" spelling
Notes:Its just about the 3 Symbols in a row, the other stuff in the GUI is fine.
Intuitive HUD reading
Description After I played several hours I got a twist in my mind because of the crafting symbols in the puzzle mini game. As an European I read from left to right, but the mod shows the crafting tasks from right to left. Every time I use the anvil, I realise it and get thrown out of the game immersion.
Notes: Its just about the 3 Symbols in a row, the other stuff in the GUI is fine.
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