alchemy-fr / PHP-Unoconv

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Problem using php-unoconv in laravel application on windows #5

Open uttara010 opened 8 years ago

uttara010 commented 8 years ago

Hi there,

I am having some problems using unoconv for file conversion using php-unoconv in laravel. When running unoconv from command prompt it works fine, just that I have to navigate to unoconv directory to run the command

when running the laravel application for file conversion using php-unoconv, I am getting this error

ExecutableNotFoundException in AbstractBinary.php line 160: Executable not found, proposed : unoconv


mazhuravlev commented 8 years ago

Set the unoconv.binaries property. You can find out where are they by executing which unoconv in shell.

$unoconv = Unoconv::create([            [
                'unoconv.binaries' => '/usr/bin/unoconv',
            ] );