alchemyplatform / rundler

An ERC-4337 Bundler in Rust
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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[Pool] Bad error message for max operations reached for factory #740

Closed dancoombs closed 18 hours ago

dancoombs commented 3 days ago

Describe the bug When an unstaked factory reaches its maximum amount of UOs in the mempool (10?) the following error occurs:

- details: 'Max operations (10) reached for sender 0x9406cc6185a346906296840746125a0e44976454 due to being unstaked',

This says "sender" when its actually the factory. The address is correct. We should also confirm where the number 10 is coming from.

To reproduce Disable bundling and submit a bunch of UOs to the mempool using the same factory.

Expected behavior The error message should say factory. We should confirm that 10 is the correct limit here.

dancoombs commented 3 days ago

Confirmed that 10 is the correct number to use here via ERC-7562 SAME_UNSTAKED_ENTITY_MEMPOOL_COUNT 10.