I am on a mac with OSX mojave installed and I installed ubuntu on virtualbox to work with Alchitry labs. However there is an issue with VirtualBox which quits unexpectedly when I connect Mojo v3 through the USB. So, I wanted to write a small utility that could transfer .bin files on OSX itself. I made an attempt but I am unable to write anything to it. Is there special signalling requred through the microcontroller to get it to work? Please advise based on the code below:
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package testusbutil;
The communication timeout in milliseconds.
private static final int TIMEOUT = 5000;
private static final byte IN_ENDPOINT = (byte) 0x83;
private static final byte INTERFACE = 1;
private static final byte OUT_ENDPOINT = 0x02;
static final byte ACM_CTRL_DTR = 0x01;
static final byte ACM_CTRL_RTS = 0x02;
static final byte CDC_SET_LINE_CODING = 0x20;
static final byte CDC_GET_LINE_CODING = 0x21;
static final byte CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE = 0x22;
static final byte CDC_SEND_BREAK = 0x23;
protected static Context context;
protected DeviceHandle device;
protected int readTimeout;
protected int writeTimeout;
protected ByteBuffer readBuffer;
protected int readBufferChunksize;
protected int writeBufferChunksize;
protected int maxPacketSize;
protected int iface;
protected byte inEndPoint;
protected byte outEndPoint;
public static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUF = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0);
// DTRRTS(handle, true, false);
// Receive the header of the ADB answer (Most likely an AUTH message)
// ByteBuffer header = read(handle, 24);
// header.position(12);
// int dataSize = header.asIntBuffer().get();
// // Receive the body of the ADB answer
// @SuppressWarnings("unused")
// ByteBuffer data = read(handle, dataSize);
// Release the ADB interface
result = LibUsb.releaseInterface(handle, INTERFACE);
if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to release interface", result);
// Close the device
// Deinitialize the libusb context
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());
public Device findDevice(short vendorId, short productId) {
int result1 = LibUsb.init(context);
if (result1 != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to initialize libusb.", result1);
// Read the USB device list
DeviceList list = new DeviceList();
int result = LibUsb.getDeviceList(context, list);
if (result < 0) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to get device list", result);
try {
// Iterate over all devices and scan for the right one
for (Device device : list) {
DeviceDescriptor descriptor = new DeviceDescriptor();
result = LibUsb.getDeviceDescriptor(device, descriptor);
if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read device descriptor", result);
if (descriptor.idVendor() == vendorId && descriptor.idProduct() == productId) {
return device;
} finally {
// Ensure the allocated device list is freed
LibUsb.freeDeviceList(list, true);
// Device not found
return null;
public int writeData(DeviceHandle device, byte[] data) {
int offset = 0;
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(data.length);
IntBuffer transferred = IntBuffer.allocate(1);
if (device == null) {
throw new LibUsbException("USB device unavailable", -666);
while (offset < data.length) {
int writeSize = writeBufferChunksize;
if (offset + writeSize > data.length) {
writeSize = data.length - offset;
int code;
if ((code = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(device, inEndPoint, buf, transferred, writeTimeout)) < 0) {
throw new LibUsbException("usb bulk write failed", code);
offset += transferred.get();
return offset;
public void listDevices() {
int result1 = LibUsb.init(context);
if (result1 != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to initialize libusb.", result1);
// Read the USB device list
DeviceList list = new DeviceList();
int result = LibUsb.getDeviceList(context, list);
if (result < 0) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to get device list", result);
try {
// Iterate over all devices and scan for the right one
for (Device device : list) {
DeviceDescriptor descriptor = new DeviceDescriptor();
result = LibUsb.getDeviceDescriptor(device, descriptor);
DeviceHandle handle = new DeviceHandle();
int result2 = LibUsb.open(device, handle);
if (result2 < 0) {
System.out.println(String.format("Unable to open device: %s. "
+ "Continuing without device handle.",
handle = null;
System.out.println("Device: " + device + " Dump: " + descriptor.dump(handle));
// System.out.println("Device: " + descriptor.dump(handle));
// System.out.println("VendorID: " + descriptor.idVendor());
// System.out.println("ProductID: " + descriptor.idProduct());
if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read device descriptor", result);
} finally {
// Ensure the allocated device list is freed
LibUsb.freeDeviceList(list, true);
// Device not found
// return null;
public ByteBuffer read(DeviceHandle handle, int size) {
ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocateByteBuffer(size).order(
IntBuffer transferred = BufferUtils.allocateIntBuffer();
int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handle, IN_ENDPOINT, buffer,
transferred, TIMEOUT);
if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read data", result);
System.out.println(transferred.get() + " bytes read from device");
return buffer;
public static void write(DeviceHandle handle, byte[] data) {
ByteBuffer buffer = BufferUtils.allocateByteBuffer(data.length);
IntBuffer transferred = BufferUtils.allocateIntBuffer();
int result = LibUsb.bulkTransfer(handle, OUT_ENDPOINT, buffer,
transferred, TIMEOUT);
if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) {
throw new LibUsbException("Unable to send data", result);
System.out.println(transferred.get() + " bytes sent to device");
private void restartMojo(DeviceHandle handle) {
this.DTRRTS(handle, false, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
this.DTRRTS(handle, false, true);
this.DTRRTS(handle, true, true);
public static void sleep(long millis) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
System.out.println(e + " Sleep interrupted but not important!");
public static void DTRRTS(DeviceHandle handle, boolean dtr, boolean rts) {
short value = (short) ((dtr ? ACM_CTRL_DTR : 0x00) | (rts ? ACM_CTRL_RTS : 0x00));
LibUsb.controlTransfer(handle, DEVICE_OUT_REQUEST, CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE, value, (short) 0, EMPTY_BUF, TIMEOUT);
Hi AlChirty,
I am on a mac with OSX mojave installed and I installed ubuntu on virtualbox to work with Alchitry labs. However there is an issue with VirtualBox which quits unexpectedly when I connect Mojo v3 through the USB. So, I wanted to write a small utility that could transfer .bin files on OSX itself. I made an attempt but I am unable to write anything to it. Is there special signalling requred through the microcontroller to get it to work? Please advise based on the code below:
` /*
import java.io.File; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.ByteOrder; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.nio.file.Files; import org.usb4java.BufferUtils; import org.usb4java.Context; import org.usb4java.Device; import org.usb4java.DeviceDescriptor; import org.usb4java.DeviceHandle; import org.usb4java.DeviceList; import org.usb4java.LibUsb; import org.usb4java.LibUsbException;
@author hak */ public class TestUSBUtil {
static final byte ACM_CTRL_DTR = 0x01; static final byte ACM_CTRL_RTS = 0x02;
static final byte CDC_SET_LINE_CODING = 0x20; static final byte CDC_GET_LINE_CODING = 0x21; static final byte CDC_SET_CONTROL_LINE_STATE = 0x22; static final byte CDC_SEND_BREAK = 0x23;
protected static Context context; protected DeviceHandle device; protected int readTimeout; protected int writeTimeout; protected ByteBuffer readBuffer; protected int readBufferChunksize; protected int writeBufferChunksize; protected int maxPacketSize;
protected int iface; protected byte inEndPoint; protected byte outEndPoint;
public static final ByteBuffer EMPTY_BUF = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(0);
public TestUSBUtil() { context = new Context(); device = null; readTimeout = 5000; writeTimeout = 5000; readBuffer = null; writeBufferChunksize = 4096; iface = 1;
@param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO code application logic here
TestUSBUtil tusb = new TestUSBUtil(); // tusb.listDevices(); tusb.readUSB();
public void readUSB() { short vendorId = (short) 0x29dd; short productId = (short) 0x8001;
// int length = (int) file.length();
// byte[] buff = new byte[100]; // // for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { // buff[i] = (byte) (length >> (i * 8) & 0xff); // } // Write // this.write(handle, fileContent); // this.restartMojo(handle); byte b = (byte) 'R'; byte[] buf = new byte[1]; buf[0] = b;
// DTRRTS(handle, true, false); // Receive the header of the ADB answer (Most likely an AUTH message) // ByteBuffer header = read(handle, 24); // header.position(12); // int dataSize = header.asIntBuffer().get(); // // // Receive the body of the ADB answer // @SuppressWarnings("unused") // ByteBuffer data = read(handle, dataSize); // Release the ADB interface result = LibUsb.releaseInterface(handle, INTERFACE); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { throw new LibUsbException("Unable to release interface", result); }
// System.out.println("Device: " + descriptor.dump(handle)); // System.out.println("VendorID: " + descriptor.idVendor()); // System.out.println("ProductID: " + descriptor.idProduct()); if (result != LibUsb.SUCCESS) { throw new LibUsbException("Unable to read device descriptor", result); } } } finally { // Ensure the allocated device list is freed LibUsb.freeDeviceList(list, true); LibUsb.exit(context); }
// return null; }