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Sign up React component #16

Open alcpereira opened 9 months ago

alcpereira commented 9 months ago


This component should accept a single property: an error object (for displaying validation errors from the backend).

We do not have the type for this error object yet, but you can expect something like:

type SignUpErrors = {
  email: string;
  password: string;

It should use the Form element with a method post from @remix-run/react(docs here), no need a route/action as it will be included in the action from Remix route in another issue.

It should include basic HTML validation of the inputs and a good use of semantic HTML like <label>.

It should include stylings using Tailwind. Find a nice looking design on Dribble or similar, and build it. Consider light/dark mode too, using the dark: prefix.

You can take inspiration from Trellix Signup page if needed here.