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Docs: Tutorial #10

Open daveyarwood opened 7 years ago

daveyarwood commented 7 years ago

See for context.

The tutorial sections could be something like:

  • Anatomy of an Alda Score (a broad overview of the structure of a score file, explaining instrument parts, variable definitions, etc. without going into too much detail)
  • Notes and Rests
  • Chords and Voices
  • Grouping Instruments (covers instrument groups and naming instruments/groups)
  • Attributes
  • Advanced Rhythms (covers second/millisecond durations and CRAM notation)
  • Using Variables
  • Generating Music by Writing Code (covers inline Clojure code and an overview of the alda.lisp DSL)

This is just a quick sketch; I'm definitely open to any suggestions about how to tweak this, but maybe this outline can be a good starting point.

This should be done by modifying the docs folder in alda-lang/alda. The docs are kept in sync with releases and used to generate, which will be CNAMEd to

daveyarwood commented 1 year ago

NOTE: There is already the "official" tutorial on the Alda website, but I think it would be great to have a revamped tutorial broken down into sections, with a sidebar, with better explanations and more examples. The current tutorial also does not cover some of the more advanced concepts.