aldebaran / libqi-java

QiMessaging Java bindings
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cast byte[] to serializable Object; communicate with audio device #1

Open chenym250 opened 7 years ago

chenym250 commented 7 years ago

I want to be able to send binary audio data remotely to a pepper robot. While I was able to do so using Naoqi's sendRemoteBufferToOutput() method with qi framework and C++ SDK (2.5.5), I can't find a simple way to call that method in Java.

In C++, sendRemoteBufferToOutput() accepts an ALValue constructed from a binary buffer (ALValue.setBinary()); in Java it's even more ambiguous. According to jnaoqi's API, it accepts merely an Object. I tried passing a byte array or a list of bytes or a byteBuffer, none of which works, and I constantly get this error:
qimessaging.jni: Cannot serialize return value: Unable to convert JObject in AnyValue

(Additionally, when I was using qimessaging's API I got this error: qimessaging.remoteobject: no promise found for req id:162 obj: 60 func: 2 type: Reply)

I looked into old documentations, and in version 1.14 there is a binding class for ALValue, called Variant, that I can't find in the new API. Qimessaging seemed to support customizable serializers, but I don't think it was included in the 2.5.5 release. So I ran out of ideas. Another way I can think of now is to wrap either ALValue or my entire C++ application in JNI, but I'd like to know the right way to call sendRemoteBufferToOutput() in Java before going that route.

In conclusion, my issue is: is it possible to pass a byte buffer to sendRemoteBufferToOutput() in Java?

chenym250 commented 7 years ago

In case someone who may have encountered the same issue finds this post in the future, I was able to bypass this issue by encoding the raw data into a Base64 string and passing the string to a simple service hosted on the robot (written in Python or C++), which would then decode the string and call sendRemoteBufferToOutput() function via qimessaging's Python (or C++) API.