aldivi / caland

ca carbon accounting model
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process new wildfire input data and update caland to use it #21

Closed aldivi closed 6 years ago

aldivi commented 7 years ago

the CA fourth assessment fire data are here (but only area is available now):

we may split this task up between us - let's get the new land use data working first

update caland to use more detailed fire data process the fire data into caland format

aldivi commented 6 years ago

lacking the severity data, we should partition the severity data according to

also add an internal parameter specifying a fraction of severe burn area in forest that goes to shrubland, and maybe shrubland to grassland as well? will need to implement the land cover change portion

also look into adding an internal parameter specifying the fraction of burn area that is reduced one severity level by forest management

aldivi commented 6 years ago

oops. welch et al 2016 is the initial severity distribution. do we need additional classes, or are 3 sufficient? estimate proportions based on table 5 severity plots - weight bu individual fire area

aldivi commented 6 years ago

the data have been processed and caland has been updated. the rcp85 raw data file still needs to be generated rcp45 and rcp85 preprocessing is complete