aldivi / caland

ca carbon accounting model
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New slash pathway structure #22

Closed msimmond closed 7 years ago

msimmond commented 7 years ago

11 The following updates were made to the model structure of CALAND and several auxiliary R and Excel files that ultimately add pathways for forest harvest residue (slash) to be utilized in wood products and/or bioenergy as opposed to direct emissions of C through decay and/or controlled burning:

  1. All C emissions associated with forest management (Stewart and Nakamura, 2012), except for soil and root C emissions, (found in forest_manage, conversion2ag_urban, and dev_manage sheets in lc_params.xls and c_input.xlsx) are now aggregated into a slash pool in CALAND.r according to the input parameters set in c_input.xlsx for harvested2slash, under2slash, downdead2slash, and litter2slash (previously called [pool]2atmos and all emitted to atmosphere). The slash pool is then partitioned among 4 potential pathways according to additonal input parameters (slash2wood, slash2energy, slash2decay, slash2burn) set in c_input.xlsx. The user can change the fractions for each of these by updating lc_params.xls and generating a new batch of input files using write_caland_inputs.r. Currently, the defaults used in c_input and the scenario files are the forest management activities without slash utilization (slash2wood = 0, slash2energy = 0) with 25% of C (or 100% for Prescribed_burn) emitted due to controlled burns and 75% emitted due to decay (slash2burn = 0.25, slash2decay = 0.75). There are currently rows for the same management activities with slash utilization in the forest_manage sheet (slash2wood = 0, slash2energy = 0.25, slash2burn = 0, slash2decay = 0.75), but none of the scenario files designate area to these activities yet. Although there is now structure for the slash pathways under conversion to ag or urban from forest, the default input parameters are: slash2wood = 0, slash2energy = 0, slash2burn = 0, slash2decay = 1.

  2. Added additional outputs generated by CALAND.r which are saved as sheets in .xls files: Energy Manage_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_TotEnergyC (harvested energy + slash energy) repurposed from Manage_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_EnergyC Man_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_Harv2EnergyC (harvested energy) new Man_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_Slash2EnergyC (total slash energy) new ManTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)CO2  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from ManEnergy_CumCO2 ManTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from ManEnergy_CumCH4eq    ManTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)BCeq  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from ManEnergy_CumBCeq  ManHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)CO2 (harvested energy) new ManHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq (harvested energy) new ManHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)BCeq (harvested energy) new ManSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)CO2 (slash energy) new ManSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq (slash energy) new ManSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)BCeq (slash energy) new LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_TotEnergyC (harvested energy + slash energy) repurposed from LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_EnergyC LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_Harv2EnergyC (harvested energy) new LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_Slash2EnergyC (tslash energy) new LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_FireC new LCCTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)CO2  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from LCCEnergy_Cum(Ann)CO2  LCCTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from LCCEnergy_CumCH4eq  LCCTotEnergy_Cum(Ann)BCeq  (harvested energy + slash energy)  repurposed from LCCEnergy_CumBCeq  LCCHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)CO2 (harvested energy) new LCCHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq (harvested energy) new LCCHarv2Energy_Cum(Ann)BCeq (harvested energy) new LCCSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)CO2 (slash energy) new LCCSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)CH4eq (slash energy) new LCCSlash2Energy_Cum(Ann)BCeq (slash energy) new Wood Manage_TotWood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (harvested wood + slash wood) repurposed from Manage_Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock Manage_Harv2Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (harvested wood) new Manage_Slash2Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (slash wood) new LCC_TotWood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (harvested wood + slash wood) repurposed from LCC_Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock LCC_Harv2Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (harvested wood) new LCC_Slash2Wood_Cum(Ann)Gain_C_stock  (slash wood) new Burn  ManSlash2Fire_Cum(Ann)CO2  repurposed from ManFire_CumCO2  ManSlash2Fire_Cum(Ann)CH4eq  repurposed from ManFire_CumCH4eq ManSlash2Fire_Cum(Ann)BCeq  repurposed from ManFire_CumBCeq     LCC_Atmos_Cum(Ann)Gain_FireC new LCCFire_Cum(Ann)CO2  new   LCCFire_Cum(Ann)CH4eq  new   LCCFire_Cum(Ann)BCeq  new