aldivi / caland

ca carbon accounting model
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Completing the WLIC development branch merge #86

Closed msimmond closed 3 years ago

msimmond commented 3 years ago

The WLIC branch includes the climate scalar bug fix associated with version 3.0.1, and to summarize the prior commits, this branch overall extends the functionality of v3.0.1, specifically in creating and simulating Cultivated and Rangeland management practices; adds the option to CALAND() to simulate the mean+/-SD or mean+/-2SD of the management soil carbon flux for the agricultural practices; and includes new raw input values for exploring the mechanism uncertainty of the CO2 sequestration potential of enhanced weathering using pulverised Ca- and Mg-rich rock (basalt) in soil (individually or combined with cultivated soil conservation or rangeland compost applications). The SD of the agricultural practices were recalculated to reflect the propagated SD of the change in C flux due to management as opposed to the SD of the absolute flux. This was done so that plot_caland() outputs the uncertainty bounds around the difference between a baseline scenario of no management (avg historical C flux input) and alternative scenarios (with mean+/-2*SD management C flux input) that reflect the uncertainty in the management effect. An exception to this is the SD of the rock amendment which corresponds to the stoichometry of the weathering reaction with 2 possible fates of the sequestered CO2: 1) maximum CO2 sequestration (mean+2SD) corresponding to 2 bicarbonate ions, and 2) a minimum corresponding to 1 carbonate precipitant. Currently there are 2 options for the individual rock management practices that reflect 2 levels of dissolution and ultimately, reactivity with CO2: 1)100% annual dissolution, and 2) 20% annual dissolution. The c fluxs values currently reflect an application rate of 40 t basalt / ha with reapplication rates that by default correspond to what dissolved the year prior since the management c fluxes are constant (except for interactions with climate change scalars).