Closed FennekFox19 closed 9 months ago
webMAN MOD installer does not require Internet connection and it is compatible with HEN.
Try enabling HEN with a pendrive connected to dev_usb0 and an empty boot_plugins.txt
in the root directory.
If HEN is enabled without freeze, install the webMAN MOD updater manually: NOTE: This is a partial installation and some features may not work as expected.
Remove the pendrive from USB, reboot and enable HEN again. webMAN MOD should load without freeze the console.
NOTE: The file /dev_hdd0/boot_plugins.txt
must exist with the line: /dev_hdd0/plugins/webftp_server.sprx
If the console still freeze, it may be due an issue with HEN, a hardware issue or a corrupted previous installation of webMAN MOD.
The SSD was previously formatted and the freeze happens after pressing x once to open the installer. The console does not reboot and freezes on a black screen.
I can provide Video-material of the steps I did after installing hen over an online exploit, so It is more clear as to what could have caused the problem (because my European PS3 slim is supported.)
My model is CECH21xxA
EDIT: Or is it because I should or shouldn't use the JB account for that?
Some models of SSD are a common cause of freeze on PS3.
Your PS3 model is CFW compatible. You should patch your console with and install Evilnat 4.90 CEX or PEX.
If there isn't a hardware issue, the console should work better.
For the SSD (it does not have any bad sectors, btw. I checked beforehand): I use a 120GB SATA SSD from WD (subclass-name is GREEN) from my old Lenovo ThinkPad (repaired multiple times with a lot of part replacements)
For the CFW: Didn't know that there existed any for stock 4.90. Thank you!
The issue with certain SSD drives is not related to bad sectors. The exact cause is really unknown. It's believed that is related to the SSD technology is newer than the drives PS3 support.
Here is one of the many threads that talk about the SSD issues:
The SSD is from 2016
PS3 technology is prior 2007 (newest models use same old technology).
Even on the original HDD, it crashed
Try formatting the HDD and installing CFW.
Already tried.
Could be the motherboard or my replacement of the thermal-paste (mx2 or something like that was the name of it.)
Did you already patch the console with and installed Evilnat 4.90 CEX?
If the problem persists, use multiMAN or IRISMAN instead of webMAN MOD.
I am redoing everything with a fresh install on the HDD right now.
HFW install is currently running in safe mode, because i want to be sure that nothing does went wrong.
Install CFW, not HFW+HEN. You need to patch the console first with
Oh. Oops
During the initialization, there is no plugin accept screen and the ps3 beeps three times at the end
During initialization of ps3toolset?
If so, I recommend you follow this tutorial
You first should get to a point where the console does not freeze without installing webMAN MOD or any other plugin.
It did not freeze or anything.
All worked fine. Just those three beeps with no red light
Nothing like that was mentioned in the guide
Without context information it's hard to follow what you're doing.
3 beeps doing what? initializing ps3toolset? installing webMAN MOD? starting CFW? starting HEN?? I'm lost.
webMAN MOD installer does not have beeps in the code, so it should be something else.
near the end of the toolset, the console beeps 3 times and during the initialisation of the toolset, there is no prompt to load a browser-plugin
If ps3toolset did not complete successfully, I recommend you that ask in psx-place forums. Hopefully bguerville (the author of ps3toolset) could answer what is happening.
If ps3toolset completed successfully, You only have to restart and install CFW Evilnat 4.90 from XMB or from recovery menu.
I posted on the main thread of the latest update
Now you have to wait for an answer from bguerville or someone else that experienced your same problem.
Should I do a video of the process or is that against the terms of service?
It's not against the rules, but it's better that you wait until the video is requested.
I found out why.
The toolset does not even try to load up the flash plugin. There is nothing in the logs that says anything about a flash plugin at all.
Try creating a new PS3 user... it should create a profile with the flash plugin enabled.
I already created a second user
The FP9 plugin was there, but there was no prompt and it enabled itself without my doing.
the beeps are indicating success.
Stupid me
Might say it now that i know what caused the Problem: the region and language settings are causing Problems one the latest hfw exploit and hen. I do Not know what regions and languages do Not Work with hfw hen and wmm, but I know that english and US as language and region (the 2. only changable with a Plugin available for, as far as i know, older hfw) do Work 100%.
Unable to install the webMAN MOD because it freezes after maunching the installer from XMB.
There were no USB devices or plugins, except HEN and HFW 4.90.1 installed.
Possible problem/question 1: Is the installer pulling its files from the web? If yes: Is it possible to make an offline installer, because I think the download-site is blocked by one of the wifi-rules from my controlled wifi.
Possible Problem 2: Incompatible with HEN version 3.2.2
Cant inspect the problem any further than look at the obvious, because I am not well versed with coding in the sony scene.
EDIT: The whole thing is installed on a 120GB SATA SSD