aldras / multiple_object_tracking_lidar_ros2

C++ implementation to Detect, track and classify multiple objects using LIDAR scans or point cloud
MIT License
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Recognize static objects as dynamic objects #1

Open krixdina opened 4 months ago

krixdina commented 4 months ago

Hi,appreciated for your work to give a ros2 port from the initial source code written by praveen-palanisamy using ros1.I transplant this work to ros2 humble easily. But when I test your code with MID360, I noticed that the cluster are concentrated on static objects rather than dynamic objects, and the data published on topic /filtered_cloud don't have NaN yet. image As you can see above, the cluster of point cloud in white are all static objects . I noticed that you have said everything works well after finishing your port when tested with the data come from MID70. So do you know what is wrong probably in my project .

aldras commented 2 months ago

I'm sorry I have not worked on this project in a while, and the project was not fully completed and tested due to moving onto another project.

The original project is in ROS1 and I tried to port it to ROS2, but not sure 100% everything ported over correctly. There were some things I had to change while porting over. Perhaps looking at the original project (or setting up an ROS1 environment) can help with resolving these issues.

I don't have any of the hardware here to test with at the moment. However, if you are able to track down the issue, please do let me know so I can commit the fixes to the repository.