alduxvm / pyMultiWii

MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) API to send and receive data from firmware using MSP
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 84 forks source link

Support for installation by pip #12

Closed wil3 closed 7 years ago

wil3 commented 7 years ago

Easily install as a module to allow other programs to use this API. First step to be able to upload to PyPI.

wil3 commented 7 years ago

@alduxvm , We may have to revert this PR. The MSP over TCP modifications I was adding in seem to have been included and should be a separate PR. I havnt tested over serial with these changes.

alduxvm commented 7 years ago

all revert? or until "made protocol agnostic..."?

wil3 commented 7 years ago

This PR should be for all commits on Jun 22. I believe I need to separate them into two separate branches. We cant exclude commits from this PR correct?

alduxvm commented 7 years ago

Ok, I'll revert all and will hold... thanks for your help in making this more easily accessible for everyone! :D

wil3 commented 7 years ago

My pleasure, glad I could help. Were doing SITL stuff in my lab with cleanflight/betaflight so this library will be real helpful doing tests.

Doesnt seem the revert went through. Looks like I'm able to do it, OK if I do it?

I put the pip changes in a separate branch so I'm ready to resubmit a new PR after this gets reverted.

alduxvm commented 7 years ago

yes please, you revert it... I'm happy that this library is growing and now I think you're the second or third person to do a pull request! :)

wil3 commented 7 years ago

Ah looks like we can't automatically revert because of the commit that was made right afterward the PR merge. Reset master branch?

alduxvm commented 7 years ago

ok, after several tests, I was able to restore the repo to before you did changes, let me know when you're ready to do the PR and I'll make it. I don't have any naze32 to test, but will probably get one and do tests so we can port it to pip and do more stuff... cheers!

wil3 commented 7 years ago

I think what needed to happen on your side ( which I did on mine) was reset the master to the commit before the PR. Since that didnt happen and the original commits are still in the history I can no longer make a PR because git doesnt think anything has changed. If no feature commits have been made afterward this can still be done with git reset --hard a4b1c64a8c9b85563bc5119a72dd8121967ff873 on the master branch which will roll back to this commit,

Then force an update to the remote. If this isnt an option let me know and I'll just reclone the repo and start again.

alduxvm commented 6 years ago

I think I already did that... can you check??