alduxvm / pyMultiWii

MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) API to send and receive data from firmware using MSP
GNU General Public License v3.0
153 stars 84 forks source link

Some issue with python 2.7 and 3.. like print have no parenthesis and exception have comma instead of as #3

Closed wickywaka closed 7 years ago

wickywaka commented 8 years ago

I will try to fork it and fix it as i get time..but right now I had to complete my drone project

alduxvm commented 8 years ago

can you explain more about your error? perhaps paste some output of the terminal?

wickywaka commented 8 years ago

Right now I don't have the output, I tried to fix some of the errors but now the data receiving doesn't seem consistent..there are a lot of "None" prints.. I will post the error as soon as possible.. I am working on a student project on a quadcopter and the deadline is a bit close..

wickywaka commented 8 years ago

some issues that I remember are missing parenthesis in print.. like you used print "Hello"instead of print("Hello")and instead of except Exception as error: you used except Exception, error:..

alduxvm commented 8 years ago

Alright, this library was made to work on p2.7, there is no support for p3, that might be your main issue. But if you don't show me output and what where you doing, then is very difficult for me to guess your issue. Please send me your configuration, OS, board, what script you use, and output.

There is sometimes None, when there is no info coming back from the board... In an email you sent me, you told me you had a "multiwii 2.4" board, thats an old one, with an 8bit processor. At the moment I use this library a lot on naze32's, this ones are much much faster... to make the library work with old boards like yours, you need to change the wakeup = 2 on line 84, to: wakeup = 14, the old boards need more time to "boot up" before being able to ask for data.