alduxvm / pyMultiWii

MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) API to send and receive data from firmware using MSP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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cant seem to get sendCMD to work #36

Open sonnenberg16 opened 4 years ago

sonnenberg16 commented 4 years ago

hi, i'm using a F4 flight controller, i set the necessary settings in betaflight, and can read the imu and attitude from the FC, however when i try using the sendCMD i get the following error: Error on Main: pack expected 18 items for packing (got 26) this is the code i'm trynig:

data = [1500,1500,1000,1500,2000,1000,1000,1000] #roll/pitch/throttle/yaw/Aux1/2/3/4
for i in range(len(data)):
  binary = '{0:016b}'.format(data[i])
  data.append(int(binary[8:], 2))
  data.append(int(binary[:8], 2))
alduxvm commented 4 years ago

is great that you're getting data!

ok... for the commands... did you enable SERIALRX? also, back when I was doing this, only one control was permitted... so, do you have a remote also connect to it? try to remove it...

Niko-La commented 9 months ago

@sonnenberg16 did it work?