alduxvm / pyMultiWii

MultiWii Serial Protocol (MSP) API to send and receive data from firmware using MSP
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Problems when trying to control via MSP #4

Closed enriquemc96 closed 8 years ago

enriquemc96 commented 8 years ago


I've been running the tests and I only was able to run correctly the I enabled the feature SERIALRX and set SERIALRX_TYPE to 4 with CLI in BaseFlight but I'm not able to write pilot commands to the board and I don't know if I'm doing something wrong.

I have a naze32 with the last stable BaseFlight firmware.


alduxvm commented 8 years ago

Of course I follow this thread...

Please show me the output when you try

did you solved your issue?


enriquemc96 commented 8 years ago


The problem is solved, it was an absolutely silly mistake... I didin't know that there is a maximum angle permited for arming and I had the board in a position with a higher angle than it, so... But thanks for answering.