aleaxit / gmpy

General Multi-Precision arithmetic for Python 2.6+/3+ (GMP, MPIR, MPFR, MPC)
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Probably incorrect error message. #497

Open DennisYurichev opened 1 month ago

DennisYurichev commented 1 month ago

I tried (unsuccessfully) to find a next term for

Using GMP:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <gmp.h>

#define _FAC_13 6227020800

void f1 (uint64_t x)
        mpz_t tmp;

        mpz_init (tmp);
        mpz_fac_ui (tmp, x);
        printf ("%ld\n", mpz_popcount(tmp));

int main (void)

On an instance with 300G of RAM, it consumed up to ~80-100G and stopped with the error: "gmp: overflow in mpz type". Ouch!

Also I tried gmpy:

from gmpy2 import fac, popcount

def A348651(n):
    return popcount(fac(fac(n)))

print (A348651(13))

It also consumed that much RAM and stopped with error "Floating point exception".

Maybe you should know about such behaviour.

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

Yeah, that's something expected. See e.g. the GMP library can't nicely workaround out of memory condition, it just die with some error messages, which might vary with the GMP version. (Please, next time specify versions of the gmpy2 and used libraries.)

Probably we should at least add a warning in docs.

Not sure if it worth, but as it was noted in the referenced issue: it's possible to implement big integers (only basic arithmetic, of course) on top of low-level GMP API, this will not suffer from this problem.

DennisYurichev commented 1 month ago

(Please, next time specify versions of the gmpy2 and used libraries.)

Recent, of course.

Not sure if it worth, but as it was noted in the referenced issue: it's possible to implement big integers (only basic arithmetic, of course) on top of low-level GMP API, this will not suffer from this problem.

Using only limb functions and structures?

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

Using only limb functions and structures?

Yes, sec 8 of the manual - Low-level functions.

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

Oh, I forgot. In fact I did docs update, you can see warnings on my fork, which displayed up to date docs:

@DennisYurichev, how this looks?

@casevh, again out of sync, this now display pre-2.2.0 docs. Maybe we could really solve #358?

After update, probably this issue should be closed. @casevh, new integer type (based on low-level GMP API) does make sense for you?

DennisYurichev commented 1 month ago

Well, I'm not a gmpy expert, can't say what is the right solution.

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

@DennisYurichev, my question was about docs. That's just matter of user experience. Is this a a right place? Will this prevent issues like this or wording in docs is too vague and lacks something?

DennisYurichev commented 1 month ago

Being in shoes of manual's maintainer, I would write something like: "In case of variable overflow, may print 'Floating point error' message, this is a known quirk, to be fixed in future versions". IMHO!

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately, it's not something that could be fixed in the gmpy2 alone. That seems to be a quirk of some OS (M$ Windows, I guess, because message looks totally misleading: e.g. what kind of "Floating point error"?).

On my system I got:

$ sudo swapoff -a
$ ./configure --enable-fat --enable-shared --disable-static --with-pic -q && make -s
$ gcc a.c -lgmp
$ LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs ./a.out
GNU MP: Cannot allocate memory (size=2316966024)
$ python3.12 -m venv xxx
$ . xxx/bin/activate
$ pip install gmpy2
$ python
Python 3.12.0+ (heads/3.12:2162512d71, Jan 13 2024, 11:25:20) [GCC 12.2.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from gmpy2 import fac, popcount, mp_version, __version__
>>> __version__
>>> mp_version()
'GMP 6.3.0'
>>> popcount(fac(fac(13)))
GNU MP: Cannot allocate memory (size=2316966024)
DennisYurichev commented 1 month ago

I haven't access to that huge RAM instance anymore, but I remember I installed gmpy via pip3. But of course, it could be older versions.

casevh commented 1 month ago

GMP aborts when it encounters an error that it can't handle. Two such errors are out-of-memory and divide-by-zero. There may be others (mpz maximum size overflow which may be handled differently than out-of-memory).

gmpy2 tries to catch all the divide-by-zero situations and raise the appropriate exception. To trap out-of-memory, gmpy2 would need to install custom memory handlers into GMP. This was done in the gmpy 1.10 to 1.13 era.

Unfortunately, no consistent error message appears across all errors and all platforms.

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

gmpy2 tries to catch all the divide-by-zero situations and raise the appropriate exception.

Indeed, GMP just call abort() in this case too, per default. But we can catch this:

$ cat a.c
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <gmp.h>
jmp_buf excep;
void handler(int signum)
    printf("gmp_errno: %d\n", gmp_errno);
    longjmp(excep, 1);
int main(void)
    mpz_t z, d;
    mpz_init_set_si(z, 123);
    mpz_init_set_si(d, 0);
    signal(SIGFPE, handler);
    if (setjmp(excep) == 0)
        mpz_cdiv_q(z, z, d);
        printf("Exception caught\n");
    return 0;
$ gcc a.c -lgmp -lm && ./a.out ; echo $?
gmp_errno: 2
Exception caught

But divide-by-zero is not one error, that raises SIGFPE. Other example is MPZ_OVERFLOW: this exception happens on reallocation errors e.g. in mpz/realloc.c. I would guess, this is something happened in the second OP example. And that also signals out-of-memory condition.

In principle, that case could be caught just as above. But I worry that using longjmp here is unsafe just for same reasons as for custom allocation functions (see below).

To trap out-of-memory, gmpy2 would need to install custom memory handlers into GMP. This was done in the gmpy 1.10 to 1.13 era.

Are you sure that this is doable with recent GMP? Unlike above scenario, here GMP just calls abort() in memory.c.

You can replace these functions with custom allocation functions, but manual says: "There’s currently no defined way for the allocation functions to recover from an error such as out of memory, they must terminate program execution. A longjmp or throwing a C++ exception will have undefined results. This may change in the future."

casevh commented 1 month ago

But divide-by-zero is not one error, that raises SIGFPE. Other example is MPZ_OVERFLOW: this exception happens on reallocation errors e.g. in mpz/realloc.c. I would guess, this is something happened in the second OP example. And that also signals out-of-memory condition.

Apologies for not using precise terminology. I was using error to refer to the various scenarios that cause GMP abort/crash/whatever.

You can replace these functions with custom allocation functions, but manual says: "There’s currently no defined way for the allocation functions to recover from an error such as out of memory, they must terminate program execution. A longjmp or throwing a C++ exception will have undefined results. This may change in the future."

The custom memory allocation functions can't prevent GMP from aborting, but by inspecting the return value, they can raise the MemoryError exception. The program still aborts but at least there usually is a consistent error message.

I more interested in modifying the memory allocation function for debugging crashes (how much memory was actually requested) and rounding up the size of the memory request to decrease reallocs. I'm also interested in using mimalloc when it used by CPython. There are challenges with shared libraries. When I have time, I'll create an issue for custom memory allocators.

skirpichev commented 1 month ago

I was using error to refer to the various scenarios that cause GMP abort/crash/whatever.

Looking on the code, I think there are several kind of such errors: 1) domain error (GMP_ERROR_SQRT_OF_NEGATIVE, GMP_ERROR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO) - that should be handled by gmpy2 right now. 2) GMP_ERROR_MPZ_OVERFLOW, coming from GMP's mpz_init2(), mpz_realloc2() and _mpz_realloc() (second example OP) 3) various errors from default GMP's allocation functions (those looks meaningful, like "GNU MP: Cannot allocate memory (size=2316966024)").

The custom memory allocation functions can't prevent GMP from aborting

They can, but I doubt it's safe.

The program still aborts but at least there usually is a consistent error message.

I don't think this is a solution. Custom allocation functions can customize behaviour for 3) scenario. But for 1) and 2) - it seems, the correct approach is using a signal handler to test gmp_errno and issue an appropriate error message. (Like above example, just without longjmp/setjmp.)

I'll provide such patch. Now docs seems up to date and I think this will address this issue. Hard part if to figure out how to test this for all cases.

I'm also interested in using mimalloc when it used by CPython.

Not sure about debugging, but this does make sense for me.