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i3 and xmodmap #1

Open matthewKeville opened 9 months ago

matthewKeville commented 9 months ago

I just read your post after pulling my hair out trying to get xbd , xmodmap, and i3 to play nice. The bit regarding /etc/default/keyboard was immensely helpful. I wanted to offer my alternate solution to this dilemma.

As you mentioned the main problem is that any call to xmodmap will get overitten when the i3 config script terminates. We must execute calls to it after this script finishes. A simple solution is to schedule these calls to happen later.

exec_always --no-startup-id sleep 1s && /usr/bin/xmodmap -e 'keycode 108 = Super_L'

For my config 1s is more than enough time for the rest of the script to finish, but your experience may differ.

alecigne commented 8 months ago

Hey @matthewKeville,

Sorry for answering so late. I'm glad this little note could help you. I think I will keep my original solution since I now use Ansible to manage my desktop config, and everything is taken care of automatically every time on new machines. However I will include your solution in the note as soon as I can: it is indeed simpler since it works with dotfiles only, and I'm sure it will help somebody else!

Thank you so much for taking the time to drop a message here.

Happy new year,
