alecjacobson / gptoolbox

Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
MIT License
628 stars 166 forks source link

Compile Mex for Octave #154

Open mariolino007 opened 11 months ago

mariolino007 commented 11 months ago

functions in gptoolbox-master\mex how can they be compiled for Octave ? it should be a command like

mkoctfile .......

many thanks your toolbox is amazing !!

PS for another library an exmaple is like this:


clc; clear functions;

NAMES = { ... 'FresnelCS', ... 'XY_to_angle', ... 'CircleArcMexWrapper', ... 'BiarcMexWrapper', ... 'BiarcListMexWrapper', ... 'LineSegmentMexWrapper', ... 'PolyLineMexWrapper', ... 'Triangle2DMexWrapper', ... 'ClothoidCurveMexWrapper', ... 'ClothoidListMexWrapper', ... 'ClothoidSplineG2MexWrapper', ... 'TriTriOverlap' };

LIB_NAMES = { ... 'G2lib', ... 'G2lib_intersect', ... 'AABBtree', ... 'Line',... 'PolyLine', ... 'Circle', ... 'Biarc', ... 'BiarcList', ... 'Clothoid', ... 'ClothoidList', ... 'ClothoidDistance', ... 'ClothoidG2', ... 'Fresnel', ... 'Triangle2D', ... };

LIB_NAMES2 = { ... 'PolynomialRoots-1-Quadratic', ... 'PolynomialRoots-2-Cubic', ... 'PolynomialRoots-Utils', ... };

if isunix MEX = 'mkoctfile --mex -O2'; elseif ispc MEX = 'mkoctfile --mex'; end

INC = ' -I../submodules/quarticRootsFlocke/src -I../src ';

LIB_SRCS = ''; LIB_OBJS = ''; for k=1:length(LIB_NAMES) LIB_SRCS = [ LIB_SRCS, ' ../src/', LIB_NAMES{k}, '.cc' ]; LIB_OBJS = [ LIB_OBJS, LIB_NAMES{k}, '.o ' ]; CMD = [ MEX, ' -c ', INC, '../src/', LIB_NAMES{k}, '.cc' ]; disp(CMD); eval(CMD); end for k=1:length(LIB_NAMES2) LIB_SRCS = [ LIB_SRCS, ' ../submodules/quarticRootsFlocke/src/', LIB_NAMES2{k}, '.cc' ]; LIB_OBJS = [ LIB_OBJS, LIB_NAMES2{k}, '.o ' ]; CMD = [ MEX, ' -c ', INC, '../submodules/quarticRootsFlocke/src/', LIB_NAMES2{k}, '.cc' ]; disp(CMD); eval(CMD); end


for k=1:length(NAMES) N=NAMES{k}; disp('---------------------------------------------------------'); fprintf(1,'Compiling: %s\n',N); CMD = [ MEX ' -output ../matlab/', N, ' -I../src ../srcmex/mex', N, '.cc ', LIB_OBJS ]; if isunix CMD = [CMD, ' -lstdc++ -O2']; elseif ispc end disp(CMD); eval(CMD); end

for k=1:length(LIB_NAMES) delete([ LIB_NAMES{k}, '.o' ]); end

disp('Install struct, io, statistics, optim package, it may take long time');

pkg install -forge struct pkg install -forge io pkg install -forge statistics pkg install -forge optim

disp('----------------------- DONE ----------------------------');