alecjacobson / gptoolbox

Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
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STL-offset issue #44

Closed FeazAlkadi closed 6 years ago

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Hello Professor Jacobson, First of all, I would like to thank you for making the great gptoolbox.

I have a surface in STL file format and would like to offset it as in the following example:

(Offset surface of triangle mesh in matlab)

The thing is, when I run the example I get the following error:

Attempt to execute SCRIPT signed_distance as a function: C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\signed_distance.m

Error in Untitled4 (line 16) D = signed_distance(BC,V,F);

Can you please tell me what should I do to make it work?

Thank you so much

alecjacobson commented 6 years ago

This function is needs to be compiled. Travel to the mex/ folder and checkout the README there.

It might take a little effort to compile these on Windows, but you could have a look at compile_gptoolbox.

You'll definitely need to install libigl and make sure those are properly included.

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Thank you. I will see if i can compile it.

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Can you tell me how to install libigl? Note: I'm wording on Matlab R2017b and Windows 7. (in case it matters)

Thank you

alecjacobson commented 6 years ago

It’s a header only library so mostly you just need to download it

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 12:57 PM FeazAlkadi wrote:

Can you tell me how to install libigl? Note: I'm wording on Matlab R2017b and Windows 7.

Thank you

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FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Is it this one?

I f yes, I already did downloaded it. and tried to run (_compile_gptoolboxmex) But I got this error! Error using find_first_path (line 8) Could not find path

Error in path_to_libigl (line 8) s = find_first_path({'/usr/local/igl/libigl/','/usr/local/libigl/'});

Error in gptoolbox_mexopts (line 51) use_libigl_static_library = exist([path_to_libigl '/lib/libigl.a'],'file')~=0;

Error in compile_gptoolbox_mex (line 1) [all_opts,use_libigl_static_library] = gptoolbox_mexopts();

so should I save it in a specific place on my PC ? Thanks a lot

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

Try this code, but adjust the path of "libgl" & "eigen" before you run the script.


path_to_eigen=['C:\dev\eigen-eigen-' eigen_version];




EIGEN_INC= ['-I' path_to_eigen];

LIBIGL_INC=['-I' path_to_libigl '\include'];

mex( ...
  MEXOPTS{:}, ...

Works for me with MATLAB R2017b & Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Professional.

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Hi oqilipo It started to build with Microsoft compiler . But I got the next error: Error using mex signed_distance.cpp C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\libigl\include\igl/per_vertex_normals.h(11) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Eigen/Core': No such file or directory

Error in Untitled (line 22) mex( ...

Do you have any idea what is this error about ?

Thank you so much

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

Try this code, but adjust the path of "libgl" & "eigen" before you run the script.

First download "eigen". Link above ^^^^

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

I did downloaded it. and first part worked fine. clearvars

eigen_version='07105f7124f9'; path_to_eigen=['C:\dev\eigen-eigen-' eigen_version];


The problem is in Line 22 i think

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

The problem is that the compiler does not find eigen:

Cannot open include file: 'Eigen/Core

Did you adjust version of eigen to the version you have downloaded:


Did you adjust the path to the location on your computer.

path_to_eigen=['C:\dev\eigen-eigen-' eigen_version];
FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

I did all of that. I downloaded both, so they came as eigen-eigen-5a0156e40feb and libigl-master. So changed names as libigl and eigen to be easier ! then I put eigen_version as: eigen_version='5a0156e40feb'; I got eigen_version from the folder name before I change it, is that right?

then I put the path as: path_to_eigen=['C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\eigen' eigen_version]; path_to_libigl='C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\libigl';

But still get this error: Error using mex signed_distance.cpp C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\libigl\include\igl/per_vertex_normals.h(11) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'Eigen/Core': No such file or directory

Error in Untitled (line 22) mex( ...

Did i do anything wrong?

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

path_to_eigen=['C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\eigen' eigen_version];

Most likely:

path_to_eigen=['C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\eigen-eigen-' eigen_version];
FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Do you think the path to Core is the problem here? maybe the Forward slash (Eigen/Core) should be a backslash(Eigen\Core) inside some function. I tried to find that to change it and see, but couldn't!

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

Try this code. If the assertion in line 7 fails, the path of eigen is wrong.


path_to_eigen=['C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\MatlabCodes\eigen-eigen-' eigen_version];

% Check if the eigen path is correct
assert(exist([path_to_eigen '\Eigen\Core'],'file')==2)




EIGEN_INC= ['-I' path_to_eigen];

LIBIGL_INC=['-I' path_to_libigl '\include'];

mex( ...
  MEXOPTS{:}, ...
FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately it does fail, I got the following error. !!!

Error using assertion_check (line 7) Assertion failed.

Is there any way to detect the mistake ? or fix it? do you think I should delete all other Microsoft Visual C++ except Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Professional?

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

No, at the moment the problem is that the path of eigen is wrong.

Post the full path of the file .../Eigen/Core how it appears on your harddisk.

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Here it is:

C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\3D_DiskTop\MatlabCodes\iges (original)\eigen-eigen-\Eigen I can't go inside Core, because its a file not a folder

so my code is path_to_eigen=['C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\3D_DiskTop\MatlabCodes\iges (original)\eigen-eigen-',eigen_version];

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

then edit the Matlab script:

path_to_eigen='C:\Users\faa23\Desktop\3D_DiskTop\MatlabCodes\iges (original)\eigen-eigen-';

and it should work

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

the path does work !!! Thank you so much

and its started building with Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1. Building with 'Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (C++)'.

BUT, now i got the following error .

Error using mex signed_distance.cpp c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\INCLUDE\intrin.h(26) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'ammintrin.h': No such file or directory

Error in Untitled (line 25) mex( ...

Do you have an idea why is it happening ?

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

Maybe try a different compiler first. Type in the command window in Matlab:

mex -setup:'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2017b\bin\win64\mexopts\msvcpp2015.xml' C++
FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

I get the following :

Error using mex MEX cannot use compiler 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015' because that compiler is not found.

so I will download it and see

oqilipo commented 6 years ago


mex -setup C++ 

to see, which compilers are available on your system

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Do you know where can i download Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 compiler ?

I run mex -setup C++ and got

MEX configured to use 'Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (C++)' for C++ language compilation. Warning: The MATLAB C and Fortran API has changed to support MATLAB variables with more than 2^32-1 elements. You will be required to update your code to utilize the new API. You can find more information about this at:

Seems like I don't have Microsoft Visual C++ 2015!

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

Yes, Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 is not supported as of R2017b. See:

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

try this compiler, works for me:

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

the functions are runing now after installing Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 and I got the SF and SV which i was looking for in this example

But when i run the second section of the script to plot the STL and see it

clf; hold on; t = tsurf(F,V,'EdgeColor','none',fsoft, 'FaceVertexCData',repmat(blue,size(V,1),1),'FaceAlpha',1+(iso<0)(0.35-1),fphong); ts = tsurf(SF,SV,'EdgeAlpha',0.2+(iso<0)(0-0.2),fsoft,'FaceVertexCData',repmat(orange,size(SV,1),1),fphong,'FaceAlpha',1+(iso>0)(0.2-1)); apply_ambient_occlusion(ts); hold off; axis equal; view(-20,20) camlight; t.SpecularStrength = 0.04; l = light('Position',[5 -5 10],'Style','local'); add_shadow(t,l,'Color',0.8[1 1 1],'Fade','local','Ground',[0 0 -1 min([V(:,3);SV(:,3)])]); set(gca,'pos',[0 0 1 1]) set(gca,'Visible','off'); set(gcf,'Color','w'); drawnow;

I get this error

Error using Error setting property 'FaceVertexCData' of class 'Patch': Value must be an Nx1 or Nx3 array of numeric type

Error in tsurf (line 130) set(t_copy,varargin{v:end});

Error in Untitled (line 29) t = tsurf(F,V,'EdgeColor','none',fsoft, 'FaceVertexCData',repmat('blue',size(V,1),1),'FaceAlpha',1+(iso<0)*(0.35-1),fphong);

Thought V,F,SV and SF are all Nx3 array of type double Do you have an idea what is going on???

And as usual i really appreciate your time

oqilipo commented 6 years ago

You may open a new issue for that problem and close this issue.

FeazAlkadi commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much oqilipo for the help.