alecjacobson / gptoolbox

Matlab toolbox for Geometry Processing.
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Different output of ray_mesh_intersect after change to embree #92

Open oqilipo opened 4 years ago

oqilipo commented 4 years ago

Is it intended that ray_mesh_intersect only outputs the first intersected triangle? withEmbree

Before the change to embree, in 2018 ray_mesh_intersect outputs multiple intersections beforeEmbree

The following code was used:

clearvars; close all

[x,y,z] = sphere(16);
fv = surf2patch(x,y,z,'triangles');

ray = [-2 0 0 0.5 0 0];

[flag, t, lambda] = ray_mesh_intersect(ray(:,1:3), ray(:,4:6), fv.vertices, fv.faces);

% flag = t == min(t(flag));

patchProps.EdgeColor = 'k';
patchProps.FaceColor = [0.8, 0.8, 0.7];
patchProps.FaceAlpha = 0.5;
patchProps.EdgeLighting = 'none';
patchProps.FaceLighting = 'gouraud';

axis equal tight
patch(fv, patchProps)
hold on
quiver3(ray(1),ray(2),ray(3),ray(4),ray(5), ray(6))
patchProps.FaceColor = 'r';
patch('vertice', fv.vertices, 'faces', fv.faces(flag,:), patchProps)
xlabel 'X'; ylabel 'Y'; zlabel 'Z'
alecjacobson commented 4 years ago

It does look this change happened. the libigl wrapper of embree is not that complicated and has an overload to return all hits, so this would be an easy feature to have (and enable with some kind of flag). Not sure what the right return type should be. Maybe sparse matrix with a column per ray and row per triangle.

oqilipo commented 3 years ago

Besides of the incomplete output of the new embree version, I compared the speed of the new embree version to the old Möller–Trumbore version and the old one is ten times faster on my computer. So it may be better to revert to the Möller–Trumbore version Commit: 87616c77f142ef30fe9262aba27cd805cd2a820d ?

alecjacobson commented 3 years ago

Can you post your example for the performance comparison?

oqilipo commented 3 years ago

Of course. Here is the test .

alecjacobson commented 3 years ago

Ah, I see the problem. The embree version builds a BVH . This costs O(n log n) for a mesh with n faces. Then it will get hits of a input list of m rays in O( m log n) time. Resulting in a total time of O(n log n + m log n).

However, you're calling ray_intersect_mesh once for each ray, rather than passing all rays and calling it a single time. This means the BVH is rebuilt for every ray, so the total time of your code is O( m n log n )

In your test you can just replace the for loop with:

[flag, t, lambda] = ray_mesh_intersect(line(:,1:3), line(:,4:6), Sphere.vertices, Sphere.faces);

On my computer I see:

Elapsed time is 0.069826 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.022156 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.002322 seconds.

If you change your example to use sphere(160) then you'll see an even bigger improvement:

Elapsed time is 4.433620 seconds.
Elapsed time is 1.378942 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.008799 seconds.

This is because the other methods are not using a BVH so their runtime is O(m n). Embree will be significantly faster when the mesh is big and you shoot many rays.

oqilipo commented 3 years ago

Thanks, works fine. However, output of multiple hits would be an improvement.

alecjacobson commented 3 years ago

See above. This is a straightforward change to the mex (just got to create time to do it :-) happy to take a PR)

On Sat, Oct 24, 2020, 8:56 AM oqilipo wrote:

Thanks, works fine. However, output of multiple hits would be an improvement.

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ThSGM commented 3 years ago

Dear @alecjacobson

Hi! Sorry just checking in in 2021. Was this issue ever resolved in the current version of gptoolbox? (that ray_mesh_intersect does not return anything past the first intersection).

alecjacobson commented 3 years ago

No, I haven't written that wrapper, yet. No challenges, just little time :-)