aleclarson / emitter-kit

Type-safe event handling for Swift
MIT License
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Use enum as target #2

Closed yelled3 closed 9 years ago

yelled3 commented 9 years ago

I wanted to be able to work with emitter-kit, in the same paradigm as Backbone ( only instead of using String for event names, I wanted to use enums.

enum EventType {
        case Start
        case Open
let events = ListenerStorage()

let myEvent = Event<Int>()

events += myEvent.on {
     NSLog("myEvent.on listener was called with: \($0)")

myEvent.emit(EventType.Start, 33) // fails at compilation

var type : AnyObject! = EventType.Start  // fails at compilation

the reason being you can't assign sturct/enum to AnyObject because they are not object type (you can use Any to hold them)

my current (somewhat hacky) solution is to do:

enum EventType : String {
        case Start = "start-event-id"
        case Open = "open-event-id"

and then do

myEvent.emit(EventType.Start.toRaw(), 33)

I suspect the issue with enums is the hashify func:

@aleclarson any ideas?

aleclarson commented 9 years ago

Very interesting. As you can see, you're attempting to use a value type as a target when an object type is expected.

Unfortunately, other than using toRaw() with an enum EventType : String, enumeration values cannot currently be converted into Strings. There are two options that can work without any changes to EmitterKit.


Pass the enum value as data and use conditionals to decide whether or not to handle the event.

let myEvent = Event<(EventType, Int)>()

events += myEvent.on {
  if $0 != .Start { return }

myEvent.emit(.Start, 33)


Create separate events for each enum value.

let didStart = Event<Int>()
let didOpen = Event<Int>()

events += didStart.on {


Hope that helps! :thumbsup:

yelled3 commented 9 years ago

@aleclarson thanks for the answer :-)

the 1st solution is fairly close to what I want. however, I want to be able to pass AnyObject? as event customData:

enum EventType {
            case Start
            case Open

        let events = ListenerStorage()

        let myEvent = Event<(EventType, AnyObject?)>()

        events += myEvent.on( { (ev : EventType, params : AnyObject?) -> Void in
            if ev != .Start { return }
            println(params as Array)
        var eventData : AnyObject? = [33]
        myEvent.emit(.Start, ["33"]) // Could not find a user-defined conversion from type...