aleclarson / vite-tsconfig-paths

Support for TypeScript's path mapping in Vite
MIT License
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Does vite-tsconfig-paths support mono repo? #71

Closed tianyingchun closed 1 year ago

tianyingchun commented 1 year ago

Does vite-tsconfig-paths support mono repo? is there some document here?

aleclarson commented 1 year ago

There isn't automatic support for monorepos per sé, but I would like to support Yarn workspaces and PNPM workspaces in the future.

It depends on what you set root to in your Vite config. If you don't set it, the default value is the directory in which your Vite config is found. This plugin will crawl the root directory in search of tsconfig.json files and use them automatically.

If that doesn't work for you, you can try the projects option (see here).

tianyingchun commented 1 year ago

for now: i have an mono repo,

  + cli
  + common

in packages/cli/i have vitest.config.ts

  1. with tsconfig.json
    "baseUrl": "./src",
    "paths": {
      "@/test-utils": ["./test-utils/index.js"],
      "@/test-utils/": ["./test-utils/"],
      "@armit/common": ["../../common/src/index.js"]
    1. in cli-info.spec.ts
      import { join } from 'path';
      import { getDirname, getPackageData } from '@armit/common';
      import { runCliMock } from '@/test-utils/cli-run-mock.js';

      i have setup vite-tsconfig-paths also as plugin in vitest.config.ts like

      import tsConfigPaths from 'vite-tsconfig-paths';
      import { defineConfig } from 'vitest/config';

export default defineConfig({ plugins: [tsConfigPaths({})], resolve: { // alias: [ // handle @/* { find: /^(@\/.*).js$/, replacement: '$1.ts' }, ], },

> the import { runCliMock } from '@/test-utils/cli-run-mock.js'; works fine 
> but  import { getDirname, rmrfSync, unzip } from '@armit/common' is not

We can not typescript source loader from `/packages/common/src/index.ts` 

i use yarn 3+ workspace.
aleclarson commented 1 year ago

"@armit/common": ["../../common/src/index.js"]

Best practice is to use link:../../common in your devDependencies, instead of using tsconfig paths.

tianyingchun commented 1 year ago

yarn workspace support

  "dependencies": {
    "@armit/common": "workspace:^",

i think alias paths defined usng ts-config.json can make alias Consistency Configuration Management, cause of we have tsconfig-paths?

aleclarson commented 1 year ago

but I would like to support Yarn workspaces and PNPM workspaces in the future.

Tracking this in #73

aleclarson commented 1 year ago

i think alias paths defined usng ts-config.json can make alias Consistency Configuration Management, cause of we have tsconfig-paths?

If I understand you correctly, you want to use tsconfig.json paths to connect the packages in your monorepo. I don't want to support this, as it's not a common (or recommended) pattern. Better to use workspace dependencies.

ccapndave commented 1 year ago

I'm by no means an expert on this, but Nx recommends using tsconfig.json to connect the packages in a monorepo (

aleclarson commented 1 year ago

I'm by no means an expert on this, but Nx recommends using tsconfig.json to connect the packages in a monorepo (

Hmm, that makes no sense to me, but you can still use this plugin if that's what you're doing. Just set the projects option to ["../../tsconfig.base.json"] (assuming your Vite config is in ./packages/my-app).

If that doesn't work, you can try setting the root option to "../.." (once again assuming your Vite config is in ./packages/my-app). But make sure to leave projects option undefined if you do.

ccapndave commented 1 year ago

tsconfigPaths({ projects: ["../../tsconfig.base.json"] }) does the job. Cheers!

airtonix commented 1 year ago

i think alias paths defined usng ts-config.json can make alias Consistency Configuration Management, cause of we have tsconfig-paths?

If I understand you correctly, you want to use tsconfig.json paths to connect the packages in your monorepo. I don't want to support this, as it's not a common (or recommended) pattern. Better to use workspace dependencies.

It's actually a very common method in monorepos (along with using references as much as possible)

The benefit of doing this is immense:

When you have typescript monorepo of more than 200 packages, and you don't follow the above, install times can creep up above 10minutes, people stop using intellisense because it doesn't respond fast enough.

This approach can be used even if you're not using, but then you'd loose the ability to draw a map of the dep graph of your monorepo and thus accurately trigger changes based on what is affected.


aleclarson commented 1 year ago

Please see #77 and give feedback on how it works with NX

mandarini commented 1 year ago

Hi @aleclarson ! Thank you very much for everything!

I just tested v4. It's not working for Nx :(

Here's the interesting case:

When I do:

      root: '../../',
      projects: ['tsconfig.base.json'],

it tries to find tsconfig.base.json outside my project's directory (2 directories up).

When I do:

      projects: ['../../tsconfig.base.json'],

it finds tsconfig.base.json in the root of my project correctly, but it does not resolve the paths correctly. I get the error:

[vite]: Rollup failed to resolve import "@beta4/ui/three" from "libs/ui/four/src/lib/ui-four.tsx".

These both work as expected in v3.6.

I'm looking into it, but let me know if you have any idea what could have changed in v4 to affect that.

Here's my reproduction repository. It consists of two apps, which import a library, which imports another library.

Here is the dependency graph that illustrates what I mean:

Screenshot 2022-11-29 at 1 12 15 PM

rv1 is a React app with vite, and wv1 is a web components app with vite.

aleclarson commented 1 year ago

v4.0.0-alpha.6 is now out. Everyone give it a try in your Nx repo please :)

mandarini commented 1 year ago

YES! It works!!!

Only change need to be made on the Nx side is to just specify the root, relative to the workspace root. No need to provide projects.


      root: '../../',

Thank you so much @aleclarson !