alecmuffett / eotk

Enterprise Onion Toolkit
GNU General Public License v3.0
766 stars 103 forks source link

Create a draft configuration file for #72

Closed alecmuffett closed 4 years ago

alecmuffett commented 4 years ago

After installing EOTK and building the necessary tools (see install scripts in opt.d) the installation should be something like:

# optional: if you have/use `mkcert`, edit `demo/tpo.tconf` to enable it before proceeding
./eotk config demo/tpo.tconf
./eotk make-scripts
./eotk start tpo

...and then follow the instructions in and to set up launch-on-boot and the logfile rotation/housekeeping cronjob.

You can see what's going on, with:

./eotk ps
./eotk status -a
./eotk maps -a

For purposes of demonstration, the configuration file at demo/tpo.tconf - which will be actualised as tpo.conf - disables POST requests in order to prevent people logging in, etc.

If you have installed @FiloSottile's mkcert for certificate generation, there's a process described at for how to add your mkcert CA-certificate to TorBrowser.

alecmuffett commented 4 years ago

Seems to work.