I added a target to fetch SFML, copy the font file and compile the example so the example can be launched directly from the IDE.
To make it compile I had to set the language to C++11, replace a deprecated SFML method setColor with setFillColor and add a fallback define for M_PI.
When I opened the example all the circles were spawning in the same place and constantly colliding. I think the cause is RAND_MAX == 32767. I replaced it with a mt19937 and added a debug option to use std::rand. Maybe it's a Windows thing?
I added a target to fetch SFML, copy the font file and compile the example so the example can be launched directly from the IDE. To make it compile I had to set the language to C++11, replace a deprecated SFML method setColor with setFillColor and add a fallback define for M_PI.
When I opened the example all the circles were spawning in the same place and constantly colliding. I think the cause is RAND_MAX == 32767. I replaced it with a mt19937 and added a debug option to use std::rand. Maybe it's a Windows thing?