alefragnani / vscode-project-manager

Project Manager Extension for Visual Studio Code
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.92k stars 226 forks source link

Suddenly "No projects saved yet" #277

Closed rowild closed 4 years ago

rowild commented 5 years ago

I had a list of projects, but today, on re-opening VS Code, all the saved projects are gone, the list is empty and it says "No projects saved yet". Even the notification window tells me that there are no projects saved yet, when I type "Project Manager: Edit Projects". It seems the json is empty... This actually happened not for the first time, but so far I didn't see any posted issues here.

How can I check, what happened? What could be possible reasons? Where is the actual projects.json saved? (There is nothing about that in the doce...)

I use "settings sync", and every once in a while I change the editor's own settings by moving some rules from "settings" to "workspace". But I do not have any manually edited "Project Manager" settings...

Does anybody have a similar experience? Any hints? Tips? Thank you!

chrisid commented 5 years ago

The same thing just happened to me today, any idea on what's going on?

rowild commented 5 years ago

On a Mac, the location for the "projects.json" is in: /Users/[account]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage

The docu describes a way to save the "projects.json" to a different location. So I will go ahead and create a new folder for that file and put that folder under git control.

However: It would be great, if we could find out, why this happens.

@chrisid Can you remember, if you changed any settings? Or any important recent update? Anything similar?

chrisid commented 5 years ago

@rowild nothing changed, turned off the computer yesterday and when turned it on today projects.json was gone. Luckily I've got time-machine backup. Just moved to a custom location, thanks for the tip!

rowild commented 5 years ago

@chrisid Not sure if the different location will stop the strange behaviour. We'll see Hope, the project owner can enlighten us with some tips... I like "Pugliese". Very "tango" :-)

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

On Windows, the location for projects.json is %user%AppData\Roaming\Code\User.

About possible reasons for this to happen, I don't think anything that could be caused by the extension itself. The latest real update happened almost 2 months ago. The only moment that projects.json` file is updated (which you could think it could crack the file) is when you save/rename/delete/disable a project. Otherwise, it only loads it.

In recent releases, VS Code changed how extensions stores some of its data (created this globalStorage and workspaceStorage) but fortunately, I didn't see any problem with the extension itself. So, I would think of two possible reasons:

  1. Caused by VS Code (Insiders release): Some change like the above, which would rise even more users complaining (maybe in the next few hours we will see that)
  2. Caused by Settings Sync: Maybe not the extension itself, but how it loads/saves the files has corrupted the file. I suggest you to check on extension's repo for possible duplicate issues.

I'll re-check the extension source, looking for possible reasons.

Hope this helps

pcherna commented 5 years ago

Lost my projects file too, not using insiders release, am using Settings Sync. (Hope that info helps)

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

@chrisid, do you also use Settings Sync?

chrisid commented 5 years ago

@alefragnani I don't use Settings Sync. I'll keep an eye on my last steps in case it happens again.

alexdevero commented 5 years ago

I also lost all data about projects. I do use Settings Sync. Before I lost the data, I added Web Template Studio extension and then did sync with Settings Sync.

rowild commented 5 years ago

Did everybody experience the loss of projects TODAY? Could it be some kind of date problem? Or a time span (meaning: this happens after, e.g., 3 months)? Or was there a VS Code update today?

Just thinking out loud...

alexdevero commented 5 years ago

@rowild I don't think it was caused by VS Code update. I've been using the same version for ~1 week and updated my Insiders today, after the loss.

rowild commented 5 years ago

Sorry - pushed the wrong button...

rowild commented 5 years ago

I would just like to add that this is not the first time that this happens. (I have a feeling that this happens every 4 to 6 weeks...)

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

@alexdevero I don't think this is caused by this extension either, based on the scenarios which it writes projects.json. But everything is possible, including external factors. That's why I'll re-check the extension's sources for this.

@rowild Have you ever looked in Settings Sync repository for similar issues? I mean, not necessarily with projects.json file, but for any synced file? Other users complaining about deleted, replaced, corrupted files, caused by Settings Sync extension?

If I remember correctly, one of the 2019 monthly releases of VS Code was deleting/clearing the autosaved files from all workspaces, and they had to release a patch a few days latter to fix that. The autosaved files feature wasn't working.

I'm not saying it's not my extension's fault, but maybe, it isn't and you should look for that too.

Hope this helps

rowild commented 5 years ago

@alefragnani Thank you for your extensive feedback and your ideas! I very strong have the feeling that it is NOT your extension. So I agree with you on that. But if it is ok with you, can we keep this issue open as a central place to discuss this "phenomenon"? And yes, I do research on "Settings Sync" (currently turned off, but my guts tell me it is not that extension, either...). I wonder, if there is an issue with git. I didn't use git in a long time, but yesterday I actually updated a project again. And today I used Bitbucket's Source Tree, before I opened VS Code. I think so, at least... currently testing various git scenarios...

christowiz commented 5 years ago

Same thing happened to me today. I used Setting Sync but haven't synched files in a while nor updated the app for about a week as well. It looks like the projects.json file was modified at the moment I tried listing projects using the Command Palette.

rowild commented 5 years ago

@alexdevero @chrisid @alefragnani @pcherna Just to make sure, can you all please confirm: this happened to us all TODAY? (Or at time of reading, yesterday? May 30th 2019?)

Was this the first time? Or can anybody also confirm that this has been a recurring problem?

alexdevero commented 5 years ago

@rowild Yes, I can confirm that this happened on May 30th 2019. In my case, it was the first time it happened.

ivan-dalmet commented 5 years ago

Same here :(

TiSiE commented 5 years ago

For me now, this extension is completely broken.

The "Any" projects section does not show anymore, no matter what settings I configure, it's impossible for me to save folders as favorites, as it keeps telling me, the project does exist already - yet nothing is shown in the sidebar.

DA-Bryan commented 5 years ago

The second time it's happened to me now.

Would be great if we could set it to look at a dev folder and just pull the projects in the root of that folder rather than only a manual save for each and every project. Maybe could be a simple command as well/instead? Project Manager->Create Projects from Master Directory. Then even if this happens again can just run that command and get nearly everything back in order easily.

rowild commented 5 years ago

@DA-Bryan Can I ask you some questions, please?

There is a simple setting to get all your projects into the "all" or "git" or "mercurial" etc tabs. Yu can define "Base Folders" and you also can define "Ignored folders". Just look into your settings options, it is really easy. That way, projects are not saved as "Favorites", but simply read from the folders on Vs Code's startup (I think). Works great.

However: We should pin-point the problem, of course, so your answers would help (me, at least). Thank you!

DA-Bryan commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the idea, I think I tried that a long time ago but noticed it causing a heavy lag. I have a lot of projects as I also run support for a lot of clients for our company. Faster to have them locally and git pull as needed. But maybe something to look into again.

rowild commented 5 years ago

@DA-Bryan Thanks for your feedback! - I have around 40 Projects. Since I only need "something to click on" to open the project, i also set all the "depths" options to "1" only. Maybe that is a new option, since you last used that? Here it works really fast, but I only use it since yesterday.

However: I dare to say, that there has been sth going on between May 29th and May 30th for all of us. It's a riddle...

whalesingswee commented 5 years ago

My projects also gone. ~Any chances to retrieve them back?~ I have sync-settings installed but my last update was on March. First time encountered this issue, never have a problem with it before.

Update Glad I have backup synced with Backblaze, was able to retrieve the projects.json back. Can confirm it was modified and gone on my side on May 31th. My working copy was from May 28th. I checked my updates from May 29 to May 30th, no modification was changed.

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

That's really weird ๐Ÿ˜• .

As you can see in, the latest meaningful update in the extension was in March/19 (version 10.4.0). That is the latest update which make references to projects.json file (when stored in the default location). The PR #250 is responsible for that update, was extensively tested (I know, tests may fail), but we tried to be sure it wouldn't break anything. Fortunately, no issue has been reported when published ๐Ÿ˜Œ .

The latest extension's update was released in May 28th, but it was only a npm security alert (, related to tarpackage ( I don't think that could raise any issues.

I'm trying to figure out more scenarios which could corrupt projects.json file (I'm talking about corrupting because it never intentionally deletes nor clears the file), but had no success yet. I'm wondering if any of you, which does not uses Settings Sync, uses remote, shared or _symlinked_folders/files for VSCode settings.

BTW, I only have a Windows PC available for development/test so, no Mac or Linux scenarios on my side, unfortunately, sorry.

Hope this helps

Therealskythe commented 5 years ago

I lost all projects on one machine ~1 week ago (before 30th), and now on my second machine.

No Settings Sync.

supdegrave commented 5 years ago

I've also just seen that my projects.json file is empty. This is at least the second time it has happened. Not using Settings Sync.

Necklaces commented 5 years ago

Just happened to me this morning too, haven't touched my work computer since the 28th, but it's been off. I remember updating this extension some time last week. Not using this 'Settings Sync' people are mentioning (never heard of it). I'm on GNU/Linux. I haven't set up any remote, shared, or symlinked folders/files for vscode either (rather plain install tbh).

mlocate, which essentially caches the filesystem, says the there should have been a file at ~/.config/Code - OSS/User/globalStorage/alefragnani.project-manager/projects.json but that file no longer exists.

Edit: List of extensions; code --list-extensions --show-versions
  • alefragnani.project-manager@10.5.2
  • bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client@1.0.14
  • dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@1.9.0
  • ecodes.vscode-phpmd@1.1.0
  • EditorConfig.EditorConfig@0.13.0
  • eriklynd.json-tools@1.0.2
  • felixfbecker.php-debug@1.13.0
  • file-icons.file-icons@1.0.17
  • jaspernorth.vscode-pigments@1.0.6
  • jpoissonnier.vscode-styled-components@0.0.26
  • junstyle.php-cs-fixer@0.1.119
  • mohsen1.prettify-json@0.0.3
  • monokai.theme-monokai-pro-vscode@1.1.13
  • ms-python.python@2019.5.17517
  • ms-vscode.cpptools@0.23.1
  • neilbrayfield.php-docblocker@1.8.0
  • pflannery.vscode-versionlens@0.23.0
  • Tyriar.sort-lines@1.8.0
  • wayou.vscode-todo-highlight@1.0.4
  • wwm.better-align@1.1.6
  • yzhang.markdown-all-in-one@2.3.1
  • zhuangtongfa.Material-theme@2.24.0
rowild commented 5 years ago

I have a feeling that there is another extension interfering. Can we check, which extensions we all have installed? These are mine, not all are enabled (depending on type of work - FE or BE - the workspace settings vary):

2gua.rainbow-brackets-0.0.6 alefragnani.project-manager-10.5.2 alexdima.copy-relative-path-0.0.2 anseki.vscode-color-0.4.5 archety.material-icons-0.2.0 artdiniz.quitcontrol-vscode-3.1.3 bajdzis.vscode-database-2.1.5 benjaminkott.typo3-typoscript-0.1.0 bierner.color-info-0.5.1 bmewburn.vscode-intelephense-client-1.0.14 bradgashler.htmltagwrap-0.0.7 bradlc.vscode-tailwindcss-0.2.0 bschauer.typo3-tca-snippets-0.0.5 chenxsan.vscode-standardjs-1.2.3 coenraads.bracket-pair-colorizer-1.0.61 cssho.vscode-svgviewer-2.0.0 dahong.theme-bear-1.0.0 dakara.dakara-foldplus-1.3.2 dansilver.typewriter-1.0.1 davidanson.vscode-markdownlint-0.27.0 dbaeumer.vscode-eslint-1.9.0 deerawan.vscode-faker-1.3.0 devine-davies.make-hidden-3.0.3 digitalbrainstem.javascript-ejs-support-0.5.0 dotjoshjohnson.xml-2.5.0 dunstontc.vscode-gitignore-syntax-0.1.2 ecodes.vscode-phpmd-1.1.0 editorconfig.editorconfig-0.13.0 eiminsasete.apacheconf-snippets-1.2.0 emmanuelbeziat.vscode-great-icons-2.1.47 equinusocio.vsc-material-theme-2.9.0 equinusocio.vsc-material-theme-icons-1.0.4 febley.typo3-fluid-snippets-0.2.0 febley.typo3-vhs-snippets-0.1.1 felicio.vscode-fold-1.4.3 felixfbecker.php-debug-1.13.0 felixfbecker.php-pack-1.0.2 file-icons.file-icons-1.0.17 formulahendry.vscode-mysql-0.4.0 giancarlopro.faker-snippets-1.5.0 ginfuru.ginfuru-better-solarized-dark-theme-0.7.0 gogocrow.webpack-snippets-0.0.4 hookyqr.beautify-1.5.0 hwencc.html-tag-wrapper-0.2.3 isudox.vscode-jetbrains-keybindings-0.1.9 jamesmaj.easy-icons-0.3.1 jeremyrajan.webpack-2.1.3 junstyle.php-cs-fixer-0.1.119 krizzdewizz.tag-rename-0.2.1 liximomo.sftp-1.12.7 mehedidracula.php-constructor-0.1.2 mehedidracula.php-namespace-resolver-1.1.8 michelemelluso.code-beautifier-2.2.1 mikestead.dotenv-1.0.1 mrmlnc.vscode-apache-1.2.0 mrmlnc.vscode-pugbeautify-1.0.2 nikitakunevich.snippet-creator-0.0.5 octref.vetur-0.21.0 p1c2u.docker-compose-0.3.4 patbenatar.advanced-new-file-1.2.0 paulkamma.flux-snippets-0.4.0 peterjausovec.vscode-docker-0.6.2 phiter.phpstorm-snippets-1.1.1 phproberto.vscode-php-getters-setters-1.2.3 pkief.material-icon-theme-3.8.0 ralffreit.typo3snippets-0.0.9 redhat.vscode-yaml-0.4.1 ritwickdey.liveserver-5.6.1 robinbentley.sass-indented-1.5.1 sburg.vscode-javascript-booster-0.10.2 sdras.vue-vscode-snippets-1.6.0 sevavietl.php-files-0.0.5 shakram02.bash-beautify-0.1.1 shan.code-settings-sync-3.2.9 shinnn.stylelint-0.49.0 sibiraj-s.vscode-scss-formatter-1.4.1 sidharthachatterjee.vscode-tailwindcss-0.1.0 sidneys1.gitconfig-2.0.0 sirtori.indenticator-0.6.0 sleistner.vscode-fileutils-2.14.4 slevesque.shader-1.1.4 smlombardi.slime-2.34.0 sourcegraph.javascript-typescript-0.0.7 spywhere.guides-0.9.3 stevencl.adddoccomments-0.0.8 tobiasalthoff.atom-material-theme-1.5.0 trinm1709.dracula-theme-from-intellij-0.3.0 tyriar.sort-lines-1.8.0 vector-of-bool.gitflow-1.2.1 vikyd.vscode-fold-level-0.0.11 vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag-0.9.2 vincentkos.elegant-php-0.1.1 vscode-icons-team.vscode-icons-8.7.0 vuetifyjs.vuetify-vscode-0.2.0 wk-j.webpack-progress-0.0.8 wongjn.php-sniffer-1.1.4 yzhang.markdown-all-in-one-2.3.1

alexdevero commented 5 years ago

My list:

rowild commented 5 years ago

How did you generate that list? (I changed to the extensions folder, used terminal with list -1, then copy&paste to a text file)

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

@rowild just run code --list-extensions in your terminal/shell

rowild commented 5 years ago

That still generates a list with the verdor name prefixed. Alex Devero has one that lists only the extensions' names.

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

Now I see, sorry.

I think he just removed the vendor name manually (editing the output) and sorted the lines. I don't know any code command line arguments to do that.

alexdevero commented 5 years ago

Correct, I removed the vendor name and used "Sort ..." command in VS Code :).

rowild commented 5 years ago

So far we have these in common:

auto-close-tag-0.5.6 bracket-pair-colorizer-2-0.0.28 code-settings-sync-3.2.9 color-info-0.5.1 dotenv-1.0.1 material-icon-theme-3.8.0 project-manager-10.5.2 stylelint-0.49.0 vscode-icons-8.7.0

Since there are some users here who do not use settings-syns, we can loose that one, too...

Necklaces commented 5 years ago

Unless I've done something wrong, If you include my list of extensions that I hid in a dropdown in my earlier comment, the only extensions in common between the three lists seem to be editorconfig and project-manager.

chrisid commented 5 years ago

my list:

rowild commented 5 years ago

@Necklaces Sorry, I didn't see your list!

rowild commented 5 years ago

@alefragnani An info I'd like to share, not knowing, if it is of any importance:

On Mac, the folder VS Code uses, is under Application Support/Code, as mentioned earlier. These is also a logs folder, which I searched for globalStorage, the folder where the project.json is saved. The search found 3 entries, all of them in a dedicated file called 2-EditorConfig.log looking like this:

/Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Code/User/globalStorage/alefragnani.project-manager/projects.json: {}

It looks a bit strange that there are empty curly braces...

The encompassing folder has the date string 20190530T085317. So May 30th in the morning. No similar log entries with globalStorage before or after that date.

Currently, I have no idea, what that means... but I keep searching...

Question (since I have no idea about extension development): Is the "globalStorage" as the folder, where the project.json is saved to, the recommended place (if there is anything like a recommendation)?

EDIT: Found this discussion:

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

@rowild ,

On a Mac, the original location for projects.json was /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Code/User or /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Code - Insiders/User. Similar locations for Windows and Linux. There was no globalStorage back then.

The concatenatioon of globalStorage/alefragnani.project-manager to this path was added in release 10.4.0 (released in March/2019) with PR #250 to adapt to a new API released in that monthly VS Code release. But, it should concatenate only if projects.json file wasn't available in the /User folder. Which means, new users or no projects.

So, unless this code had failed, I understand you installed the extension (or saved any project) after that release. But, if you have the extension installed earlier, and had projects saved earlier too, I would say that something in VS Code has changed. I tested the extension with stable and insiders releases a few moments ago and it appears to be working fine. Which is sad :(

I don't use EditorConfig, but I don't see how it could interfere in projects.json file. If I remember correctly, it only touches opened files, right?

Does anyone has a projects.json file in /User folder (not globalStorage/alefragnani.project-manager) with any content?

Hope this helps.

rowild commented 5 years ago

@alefragnani Thank you for your extensive feedback! Very interesting! According to the readme on editorconfig it should only touch open files. NEvertheless I have those logs. Can anybody else confirm, if they have similar log entries?

thiagobraga commented 5 years ago

This bug happened to me today too. I'm using Mac on my work, and yesterday I had to restart after more than a week on. And when I listed the projects to open, the message "No projects saved yet" appeared.

๐Ÿ“„ My list of extensions:

I honestly thought that list was bigger. ๐Ÿค”

Command used to get the list:

code --list-extensions --show-versions | cut -f2- -d'.' | sort --ignore-case
rowild commented 5 years ago

@thiagobraga Thank you for your report! "...after more then one week on." - That means you "crossed" the magic date line of May29th / May 30th. Thanks for the command!!! Very helpful!

Could you be so kind and check the logs folder of VS Code, too (lease see above). Do you have any log data where suddenly a "project.json: {}" appears, similar to mine above? If so, what is the name (= date) of the encompassing folder?

thiagobraga commented 5 years ago

Hi @rowild, you are welcome. Happy that this command helped.

About the logs, I checked the VS Code log folder and there were only folders for the month of June. I'm not sure if it was some cleaning of the system, or Code itself, or even CleanMyMac running automatically. Anyway, in the logs that I have, I've executed these commands, but I didn't get any relevant information:

cd ~/Library/Application Support/Code/logs
grep -rni 'globalStorage' .    # no results
grep -rni 'projects.json' .    # no results
grep -rni 'project-manager' .  # only _doActivateExtension and loadCommonJSModule logs ...
# ... and this entry, but I don't think it has any use
# ./20190604T175632/sharedprocess.log:19:[2019-06-04 17:57:28.270] [sharedprocess] [info] Deleted from disk alefragnani.project-manager /Users/thiagobraga/.vscode/extensions/alefragnani.project-manager-10.5.1

I've tried other words in grep like 'delete', 'remove', but nothing relevant too.

rowild commented 5 years ago

@thiagobraga Thank you again!! I tried your commands, too, and I also do not get any results. So I searched manually again and had to find out that the folder I mentioned earlier does not exist anymore gone. Now I wonder: why does VSCode delete log folders?

cortopy commented 5 years ago

This just happened to me (again). I always assumed it was settings sync, but it seems it's not that by reading some responses.

My problem just got worse though. I can't even create a new projects.json file. When I do edit projects it asks me if I want to edit the file manually, and after that nothing happens.

Where does the file live in Linux?

alefragnani commented 5 years ago

Sorry to hear that.

In Linux, it looks for /var/local/Code/User/projects.jsonor /home/Mauser/.config/Code/User/projects.json, if I remember correctly.

    appdata = process.env.APPDATA || (process.platform === "darwin" ? process.env.HOME + "/Library/Application Support" : "/var/local");
    newFile = path.join(appdata, channelPath, "User", file);
    // in linux, it may not work with /var/local, then try to use /home/myuser/.config
    if ((process.platform === "linux") && (!fs.existsSync(newFile))) {
        newFile = path.join(homeDir, ".config/", channelPath, "User", file);

Iโ€™m sorry, but I donโ€™t use Linux, and Iโ€™m away from a computer now, so I canโ€™t be sure about the APPDATA value.

Hope this helps

thiagobraga commented 5 years ago

@alefragnani You are right about the config file location on Linux, and projects.json is in the same folder in my case:

Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\settings.json macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/settings.json Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/settings.json