alejandro-du / crudui

Automatically generate CRUD-like Vaadin views for any Java Bean!addon/crud-ui-add-on
Apache License 2.0
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Add custom binding functions to CrudFormFactory #128

Open miku76 opened 7 months ago

miku76 commented 7 months ago

With the added functions it is possible to define your own ValueProvider (getter) and a setter for a property. This allows you to add a form field with your own getter/setter methods, analogous to the additional columns in the grid.

alejandro-du commented 2 weeks ago

Nice! Thanks a lot for this PR. Sorry for the delay response. I quickly checked the changes and there are many that seem to be formatting of code which makes it hard to understand the actual change in functionality. Would you mind removing any changes that are related to formatting so I can test and merge your contribution without having to cherry-pick changes and potentially erasing your name from the commit history? I want to give you full credit for the code changes. Thanks again!