alejandro-du / crudui

Automatically generate CRUD-like Vaadin views for any Java Bean!addon/crud-ui-add-on
Apache License 2.0
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Translated captions #133

Open tbee opened 2 months ago

tbee commented 2 months ago

It is common to write code in English even if the user interface is intended to run in a different language. So this result that CrudUI has english labels in a non-english application. What is the proper way to override the labels / column header?

I've dived into the code and saw the use of propertyIdToHumanFriendly, but I did not see an easy way to inject a different caption.

tbee commented 2 months ago

I have been partially successful by:

But the form titles seem out of reach.

I would expect a single place where to define the caption for a property, that is then used on both grid and form.