alejandro071702 / GameJam2024

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Web script #18

Open Fran4002 opened 2 hours ago

Fran4002 commented 2 hours ago

Example of event. Asa is a provisional name.

Asa: (cheerfully) "Thanks so much for doing this with me, [Player]! I’ve been wanting to create something fun for ages, but, ahh... I keep getting lost in all my ideas!" (giggles and doodles a little star on the corner of her screen)

Player (Choice A): "Let's narrow down the features. We should focus on the core idea first." (guide her back to the project)

Player (Choice B): "Your doodles are cute! But maybe we can use them in the app somehow?" (engage with her creativity)

If Player chooses A:

Asa: (pauses, tapping her pen on her lips thoughtfully) "Hmm… yeah, you’re right. I tend to get carried away. Okay! Let's focus on... the core mechanics! We’re doing a to-do list app, right? It needs to be helpful and... oh! And it should have cute icons!"

(The screen shows her dragging some features around on a mock-up interface. The player can see the design slowly coming together.)

If Player chooses B:

Asa: (eyes lighting up, excitedly nodding) "Ohhh! I like that idea! What if the app had little characters that appear when you finish a task? They could cheer you on, like, ‘Yay! You did it!’" (She enthusiastically starts sketching little mascots for the app, but the coding progress halts for a moment.)

(The screen shows her working more on art than on the actual code, and the app design slows down.)

Player (Choice A): "That's a great addition! But let’s keep the code simple for now and add that later." (bring her back to focus)

Player (Choice B): "I like the mascots. Let’s see how they’d look in the app!" (encourage her creative approach)

If Player chooses A after B:

Asa: (laughs nervously, slightly sheepish) "Ahh, I guess I’m doing it again, huh? Okay, okay. Let’s stick to the essentials first." (She refocuses on the code, working more seriously this time.) "You know, I’m always worried about being too scattered... that people might get annoyed with me if I’m not productive enough." (she looks down for a moment)

Player (Choice A): "You’re doing great! Creative people just work differently, and that’s okay." (reassures her)

Player (Choice B): "Don’t worry about that right now. Let’s just finish this first version!" (encourage her focus)

If Player chooses B after B:

Asa: (excitedly bouncing in her chair) "Eee, you really think so? That would make the app so cute!" (She continues sketching more, but the coding falls further behind, and you start to notice some bugs cropping up in the development window.)

Player (Choice A): "Maybe we should handle these bugs first?" (suggest bringing focus back to the development)

Player (Choice B): "We can clean it up later. Let’s see more of your ideas!" (let her creativity flow freely)

If Player consistently encourages Asa’s creativity without focusing on code:

(The screen shows the app development phase ending, and a pop-up message appears: "App version: Unstable - Buggy and incomplete.")

Asa: (grins sheepishly, twirling her hair) "Oh no, I think we got a little too distracted... But at least it looks cute! Right? Heheh..." (She stares at the app, nervous about showing it to others.) "Do you think people will like it? I don’t want to disappoint anyone." (Her eyes look to you, clearly worried about rejection.)

Player (Choice A): "We can always fix it. The important thing is we made something together." (reassure her)

Player (Choice B): "It needs more work, but we’re learning. Let’s keep going!" (offer constructive optimism)

If Player keeps Asa on track, balancing creativity and development:

(The screen shows the app being successfully tested with minimal bugs, and a pop-up message appears: "App version: Stable - Ready for user testing!")

Asa: (throws her arms up excitedly, beaming at the result) "We did it! And it even works! Oh my gosh, I’m so happy!" (She giggles, clapping her hands.) "Thanks so much, [Player]. I know I’m not the easiest to work with sometimes, but you really helped me stay on track. Do you think people will like it?"

Player (Choice A): "They’ll love it! Especially with your design touches." (highlight her strengths)

Player (Choice B): "They will. And we’ll keep improving it together." (encourage ongoing collaboration)

(The screen fades out, with Asa looking at the player with a bright, sincere smile, clearly feeling more confident about her work and their friendship deepened by the shared effort.)

End Scene

Fran4002 commented 1 hour ago

Asa: (cheerful voice, but with a hint of strain) “Oh hey, [Player]! You’re just in time! I was, uh… just thinking about something… wanna sit?”

(Player takes a seat across from her. There’s an awkward silence as Asa fidgets with her phone, avoiding eye contact.)

Player Choice 1:

A. "You seem off. Everything okay?" B. "How did the competition go?" If Player chooses A:

Asa: (forces a laugh) "Me? Off? N-no, I'm totally fine! Just... uh... thinking about what to order. Maybe a mocha… or… hmm."

(She’s clearly avoiding the question. Her smile falters.)

Player Choice 2:

A. "Asa, you don’t have to pretend with me." B. "Alright, but you can talk to me if you need to." If Player chooses B:

Asa: (laughs awkwardly, her voice trembling) "Yeah... about that... I didn't win. I mean, it's fine, right? I wasn’t expecting anything big."

(Her shoulders sag as she says it, betraying her emotions.)

Player Choice 3:

A. "I’m sorry, Asa. That must be tough to hear." B. "You gave it your best, and that’s what matters." (Regardless of the path, Asa will eventually admit her feelings after a few more lines of dialogue.)

(Asa’s voice becomes quieter, her energetic tone fading away.)

Asa: (softly) "I... I really thought I had a shot this time, you know? I worked so hard on that design, poured everything into it. And it’s not like I expected to win, but I thought... I dunno, maybe they'd at least notice me."

(She pauses, her fingers tapping nervously on the table.)

Asa: (voice cracking) "And... and the worst part is... it was someone I really admired. They didn’t just reject me, they said my design felt 'incomplete,' like it wasn’t worth their time. That hurt."

(Her eyes are wet, but she quickly wipes them, trying to smile.)

Player Choice 4:

A. "It’s okay to feel hurt, Asa. That doesn’t mean you aren’t talented." B. "Rejection doesn’t define you. You’re amazing at what you do, and that won’t change." Asa: (smiles weakly) "You think so? It’s just... I’m scared. Scared that maybe I’m just... not good enough. What if... what if people get tired of me? What if I’m just a hassle, bothering everyone with my failures?"

(She bites her lip, her voice trembling again.)

Player Choice 5:

A. "You’re never a hassle. I’m always here for you, no matter what." B. "Everyone struggles sometimes. You don’t have to hide it from me." (After this choice, Asa’s shoulders relax, and she takes a deep breath.)

Asa: (softly) "I’m... really glad you’re here. It’s hard, you know? I’m always the cheerful one. The one who’s supposed to keep everything light, but... sometimes, it feels so heavy."

(She looks down at her phone, her fingers tracing the edges.)

Asa: "But maybe… maybe it's okay to be like this sometimes, right? To feel... lost? I just... don’t want to be left behind."

Player Choice 6:

A. "You’ll never be left behind, Asa. You’re important to me." B. "It’s okay to fall sometimes. What matters is that you get back up, and I know you will." (Asa smiles, this time more genuinely. The rain outside starts to lighten up.)

Asa: (softly, with a small laugh) "Thank you, [Player]. Really. I don’t know what I’d do without you sometimes. Maybe I’ll try again... you know, with the design stuff. I still love it, even if it hurts sometimes."

(She looks out the window, watching the raindrops.)

Asa: "And... maybe next time, I won’t let it get to me as much. I’ll keep going, no matter what."