aleksandar888 / cordova-plugin-imap

This plugin will enable a Cordova application to use the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) features. The plugin offers support for Android and iOS. To enable the IMAP features on Android, this plugin uses the framework Java Mail API and for iOS, it uses the MailCore 2 library
ISC License
2 stars 4 forks source link

Dont work on iOS #4

Open nowitz opened 1 year ago

nowitz commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug After call method connect , I got this error ERROR Error: 2022-12-10 21:47:38.328362+0100 App[11718:2563740] [] nw_path_necp_check_for_updates Failed to copy updated result (22) On Android is everything ok. this.imap.connect({ host: environment.imapHost, user: login, password: password, port: environment.imapPort, connectionType: ConnectionType.TLSSSL })


Snímek obrazovky 2022-12-10 v 21 48 11 Snímek obrazovky 2022-12-10 v 21 51 07

Additional context Stacktrace: 2022-12-10 21:47:38.328362+0100 App[11718:2563740] [] nw_path_necp_check_for_updates Failed to copy updated result (22)

Config App


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nowitz commented 1 year ago

I found solution the problem here Bug is in mailcore2 lib.

aleksandar888 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the bug.