The Git-Flow Maven Plugin supports various Git workflows, including GitFlow and GitHub Flow. This plugin runs Git and Maven commands from the command line.
It fails to deploy during the postReleaseGoals, because the paramter isn't passed to the second invocation.
It does look like you can cheat and get it to work by passing -DaltDeploymentRepository a second time, as the very first parameter within the quoted postReleaseGoals.
It appears that when I do this:
mvn -B gitflow:release-start gitflow:release-finish -DreleaseVersion=6.00 -DdevelopmentVersion=6.01-SNAPSHOT -DaltDeploymentRepository=awsnexus::default::http://myserver/nexus/content/repositories/releases -DpostReleaseGoals="clean deploy"
It fails to deploy during the postReleaseGoals, because the paramter isn't passed to the second invocation.
It does look like you can cheat and get it to work by passing -DaltDeploymentRepository a second time, as the very first parameter within the quoted postReleaseGoals.