aleksandr-m / gitflow-maven-plugin

The Git-Flow Maven Plugin supports various Git workflows, including GitFlow and GitHub Flow. This plugin runs Git and Maven commands from the command line.
Apache License 2.0
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Added mergeStrategy to ease batch mode operations #352

Closed albestia closed 1 year ago

albestia commented 2 years ago

In order to ease batch mode operations, I've added mergeStrategy option to be one of

albestia commented 2 years ago

Please, consider this as a proposal to verify the idea. There are some pending tasks:

aleksandr-m commented 2 years ago

Any real life use-case why do you need this? Also are you mixing up strategies with strategy options?

albestia commented 2 years ago

In our case for example, we create release branch with SNAPSHOTs, and we stabilize on release, while some members of the team keep on going with new features on develop. From time to time, we face conflicts while merging back some changes on pom.xml and what we decided is that develop branch is the one that has the best code; so we are using this approach with ours as mergeStrategy.

albestia commented 2 years ago

@aleksandr-m , any news on that merge? Is there any blocking stuff that I can help you with? Thanks in advance.

aleksandr-m commented 1 year ago

Git merge strategies are a bit confusing, strategies vs options, naming, etc. Adding it as plain string parameter to the plugin will make it more confusing. Also it seems that benefits of the plugin regarding version changes will be lost in that way.

Why don't you fix conflicts before finishing release? It can be done for example with another merge or with cherry picking.

Btw there is no theirs merge strategy.