aleksandr-m / gitflow-maven-plugin

The Git-Flow Maven Plugin supports various Git workflows, including GitFlow and GitHub Flow. This plugin runs Git and Maven commands from the command line.
Apache License 2.0
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Parameter for release-finish with multiple release-branches in repository #356

Closed jelingi closed 1 year ago

jelingi commented 1 year ago

Good day,

we use the Goals release:start and release:finsih in our project. In our project it is common that we use multiple release branches in our repository, because we work on multiple releases at the same time. Problem is that the goal release:finish does not permit multiple release branches. Error message: More than one remote release branch exists. Cannot finish release. (As in the following issue: ) Is there a way to use a parameter to tell the goal which release branch should be released? Like @Parameter(property = "releaseBranchforRelease", defaultValue = "release/2.0.x")

Kind regards

aleksandr-m commented 1 year ago

Currently only one release branch is allowed.

jelingi commented 1 year ago

Hi @aleksandr-m , the issue in #217 is not really what we're looking for. We do use support branches for released version. But in bigger teams we're often forced to work on multiple releases at a time. This is why a configuration where you can select the release branch would be necessary. Could you please consider to implement this feature? cheers Jelin

aleksandr-m commented 1 year ago

One configuration is not enough. Currently release goals will not work if there are multiple release branches. See this for example -