aleksei0807 / react-images-uploader

React.js component for uploading images to the server
MIT License
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Issue on npm install on windows #4

Open rolisanchez opened 7 years ago

rolisanchez commented 7 years ago

Hi there,

I was able to install this module on my Macbook. However, when trying to install on another windows machine, I get the error

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

Tried some suggestions that I've found like cleaning node cache and running cmd as administrator.

I just found an issue on Stack Overflow detailing that sometimes if one of the dependencies in package.json is a git repo such as:

"react-native-push-notification": "",

It can lead to errors, so it might be better to use the module version such as:

"react-native-push-notification": "^1.0.7",


I've seen that in react-images-uploader there is this dependency in package.json:

"react-progress-button": "git+"

Do you think that changing this to a version would solve the problem of installing on windows machines?

kirillDanshin commented 6 years ago

it's npm's issue and has nothing to do with this project. anyway, I'll publish forked version of the react-progress-button soon later.

kirillDanshin commented 6 years ago

please test 1.2.0-rc1