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Hybrid assembly Illumina + Nanopore "Bad file descriptor" error #130

Open VimacN opened 4 years ago

VimacN commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to run masurca with a hybrid assembly of illumina PE and Nanopore data and I get the following error after running the config file:

Error line 23 of configuration file 'sr_config_SunUP_Hybrid.txt': invalid file for NANOPORE: '/home/puratos-l1/Assemblies/SunUP/P2707_Masurca_Hybrid/P2707_Raw_Guppy_output_porechop_trimmed_fastq_trimmed_1kb_Q7_reads.fastq' Bad file descriptor

I've checked the config file and as indicated I have the full path to the Nanopore reads: DATA

Illumina paired end reads supplied as

if single-end, do not specify

MUST HAVE Illumina paired end reads to use MaSuRCA

PE= pe 150 20 /home/puratos-l1/Sequenced_Genomes_RawReads/SunUP/SunUP_1_FCHCL7TBBXY_L7_WGS190904001-PUR-41_1.fq /home/puratos-l1/Sequenced_Genomes_RawReads/SunUP/SunUP_1_FCHCL7TBBXY_L7_WGS190904001-PUR-41_2.fq

Illumina mate pair reads supplied as

JUMP= sh 3600 200 /FULL_PATH/short_1.fastq /FULL_PATH/short_2.fastq

pacbio OR nanopore reads must be in a single fasta or fastq file with absolute path, can be gzipped

if you have both types of reads supply them both as NANOPORE type



Other reads (Sanger, 454, etc) one frg file, concatenate your frg files into one if you have many


synteny-assisted assembly, concatenate all reference genomes into one reference.fa; works for Illumina-only data



I've tried looking for a similar problem in the forum but could not find any thing.

If I run masurca with only Illumina reads it works perfect.

Any ideas?


mindinhead commented 4 years ago

I think you need to use the FASTA format as the input of your Nanopore data, instead of FASTQ (/home/puratos-l1/Assemblies/SunUP/P2707_Masurca_Hybrid/P2707_Raw_Guppy_output_porechop_trimmed_fastq_trimmed_1kb_Q7_reads.fastq).